====================================================================== RA-MIXer 5.1 for Command & Conquer RED ALERT [ENGLISH/GERMAN/FRENCH] and Counterstrike [ENGLISH/GERMAN/FRENCH] and The Aftermath [ENGLISH/GERMAN] Copyright (C) 1997,98,99 by Moritz Mertinkat (Bluebit Software) eMail: ramixer@gmx.net WWW 1: http://come.to/tesla (THE TESLA COIL) WWW 2: http://members.xoom.com/tesla (THE TESLA COIL) WWW 3: http://home.t-online.de/home/moehrchen (Turbo Pascal) ====================================================================== Additional MIX editing texts [ENGLISH] -------------------------------------- CHAPTER 1: How to replace units in Red Alert CHAPTER 2: How to convert a C&C unit to RA ====================================================================== CHAPTER 1: How to replace units in Red Alert -------------------------------------------- Make a new unit (i.e. with Paint Shop Pro or PHOTO-PAINT) and save the images as PCX files. Then you have to convert your PCX-files into a SHP-file!! For example, you have created a new truck and your PCX-files are named TRUCK000.PCX, TRUCK001.PCX, TRUCK002.PCX (3 images): (1) convert them into the SHP-format using the following command MPCX2SHP -n:3 truck truc This will create a SHP-file called "truc.shp". NOTE, that SHP-files in RED ALERT must not exceed 4 chars. (you can also have SHP with 7 or 8 chars in RED ALERT, but then RA won't be able to read the ICON for the SHP-file) (2) ICON: create a PCX-file (64x48 for Win or 32x24 for DOS) and convert it into a SHP-file! If your truck-SHP file is called truc.shp, then you have to call the SHP-file for your icon "trucicon.shp"! (3) MAKE: is the building up phase (ONLY for buildings). Just add "MAKE.SHP" to your SHP file! Example: WEAP.SHP (Weapons factory), WEAPICON.SHP (Weapons factory icon), WEAPMAKE.SHP (Weapons factory building up phase). ==> Please also read FILENAME.TXT, Chapter 1 [1.1] and [1.2]! In RED ALERT, you cannot create new cars, ships, .... The only thing you can do is to overwrite the "BUILT-IN"-graphics. Now, you've got truc.shp and trucicon.shp and you want to replace the ranger with your new truck: (1) get an original copy of RULES.INI (2) open RULES.INI and look for "Ranger". You will find the following lines: ; Ranger (as in "Ford", not "W.W. II Commando") [JEEP] Prerequisite=weap Primary=M60mg Strength=150 Armor=light TechLevel=3 Sight=6 Speed=10 Owner=allies Cost=600 Points=20 ROT=10 Crewed=yes (3) Insert the following line right after the "[JEEP]" section: Image=TRUC ; this means: image is "truc.shp" and icon is "trucicon.shp" So you have the following text: ; Ranger (as in "Ford", not "W.W. II Commando") [JEEP] Image=TRUC ; this means: image is "truc.shp" and icon is "trucicon.shp" Prerequisite=weap Primary=M60mg Strength=150 Armor=light TechLevel=3 Sight=6 Speed=10 Owner=allies Cost=600 Points=20 ROT=10 Crewed=yes Now, you have to create a MIX-file (SC-MYMIX.MIX). Then, just add TRUC.SHP and TRUCICON.SHP and place the MIX-file (and RULES.INI) in your RED ALERT-directory (the directory where RA.EXE and RA95.EXE are). If you have problems with this, feel free to email me: ramixer@gmx.net! CHAPTER 2: How to convert a C&C unit to RA ------------------------------------------ Here's an instruction on how to convert a C&C image to Red Alert. (1) Well, extract a SHP file from C&C.... (2) then convert this file to a PCX file using SHP2PCX. However, you MUST specify a palette, because SHP2PCX uses RA.PAL as standard - and C&C images do not use RA.PAL. They use TEMPERAT.PAL, DESERT.PAL or WINTER.PAL. ==> SHP2PCX.EXE /p:TEMPERAT.PAL MYFILE.SHP (3) Load the PCX file into Paint Shop Pro (or something similar) (4) now, use PALCONV.EXE to convert RA.PAL to RA-JASC.PAL (JASC pal type). (Paint Shop Pro can only read JASC palettes - not those used by RA-MIXer and Westwood). Use "PALCONV.EXE RA.PAL RA-JASC.PAL", click enter, and press 2. (5) Load the palette into PSP using "Nearest color matching" (6) Save the PCX file and convert it back to a SHP file using MPCX2SHP. (7) For further instructions on how to "add" this unit to Red Alert please read Chapter 1 of this file.