====================================================================== RA-MIXer 5.1 for Command & Conquer RED ALERT [ENGLISH/GERMAN/FRENCH] and Counterstrike [ENGLISH/GERMAN/FRENCH] and The Aftermath [ENGLISH/GERMAN] Copyright (C) 1997,98,99 by Moritz Mertinkat (Bluebit Software) eMail: ramixer@gmx.net WWW 1: http://come.to/tesla (THE TESLA COIL) WWW 2: http://members.xoom.com/tesla (THE TESLA COIL) WWW 3: http://home.t-online.de/home/moehrchen (Turbo Pascal) ====================================================================== MIX Editing [ENGLISH] --------------------- CHAPTER 1: Introduction [1.1] Advanced MIX editing [1.2] About the filenames CHAPTER 2: Tables (filenames) [2.1] Available Red Alert Movies [2.2] Available Red Alert Songs [2.3] Available Red Alert Speeches [2.4] Available Red Alert Sound Effects [2.5] Available Red Alert Buildings [2.6] Available Red Alert Infantry Units [2.7] Available Red Alert Vehicles [2.8] Available Red Alert Aircraft [2.9] Available Red Alert Ships APPENDIX A: About this document (Important!) ====================================================================== CHAPTER 1: Introduction ----------------------- When it comes to creating campaigns for Red Alert, is the rules.ini file really enough for what you need, or do you feel the need to add your own special touch to Red Alert? In the following paragraphs, I will discuss various items I have been able to edit for Red Alert that goes well beyond what the rules.ini file allows. Indeed, as I discovered these things, I was left pondering the question: just how extensible is Red Alert? [1.1] Advanced MIX editing -------------------------- The first, and most important bit of knowledge you should have is that Red Alert can read the C&C-style .MIX files. This is important because the C&C-style .MIX file headers are understood, which allows the placement and replacement of files, while the Red Alert-style .MIX file headers are not understood. To do the following pieces of editing, you can use RA-MIXer 5.1. RA-MIXer allows you to create new MIX files, replace or delete files from MIX and you can even add new files! To have Red Alert recognise that you want it to use your new .mix file, you need to give the .mix file a particular name. This name has the format sc*.mix (and apparently also ss*.mix), where * is replaced by up to 6 letters or digits. You then place this new .mix file in your Red Alert directory (the directory with GAME.DAT; do NOT put your selfmade MIX files in the CDROM directory when using RA-HD!), and Red Alert will be able to utilise any data you place in it. It is common to use the filenames sc-001.mix, sc-002.mix etc (up to sc-999.mix). If you use these names, you can be certain that the information in the higher numbered mix file will be used if it ia also contained within a lower number mix file (eg. a file called scu01ea.ini appearing in sc-812.mix will not be used if a similarly named file appears in sc-890.mix). For most Red Alert campaign creators, you will want to use the basic functionality that these sc*.mix files provide. If you place your new .ini files into one of these .mix files, when Red Alert goes to play that mission, it will use the ini file from your .mix file, rather than that of the original mission. If your mission contains many mission files, it is much cleaner to supply one .mix file for the user to use. However, if you are just supplying one or two missions, I wouldn't bother. You should always remember to stick to the correct naming conventions for the new ini files. Unfortunately, it does not appear that the file tutorial.ini gets read from your .mix file, so if your campaign uses new text from a tutorial.ini file, you will still have to supply that separately. Nor does the mission.ini file get read, so that must also be supplied separately. [However, my Red Alert version has no problem with that - it is able to read mission.ini and tutorial.ini from a MIX file I created with RA-MIXer; Moritz] To those people that want to go the extra mile, these .mix files can contain more than just the various mission ini files of your campaign. They can also contain .shp and .aud files. This is the method that you can use to give the civilian buildings V20 to V37 that don't originally have a set of graphics some graphics of their own. [1.2] About the filenames ------------------------- Normally when you want to place a .shp file to replace the graphics of a unit or building you give it the extension .shp. However, civilian buildings are slightly different. The graphics for civilian buildings are normally stored in the snow.mix or temperat.mix files, rather than the normal conquer.mix (inside the main.mix file). To replace the graphics of a civilian building, you must give it an extension related to the theater it will appear in. For the Temperate theater, this extension is '.tem'; for the Snow theater, this extension is '.sno' and for the Interior theater it is '.int' For example, if I wanted to provide a graphic for civilian structure V23 for the Temperate theater, the file I would add to my .mix file would have the filename of 'V23.tem'. For non-civilian buildings, the files you add have the extension '.shp'. Say I was going to add a graphic called ANDR that I could then call from the rules.ini file. If I didn't intend this structure to be buildable, then I would just add the file 'andr.shp' to the .mix file. However, if I wanted this to be used on a structure that gets build, then I should also include a file called 'andrmake.shp'. This file contains the graphics that Red Alert will use during the 'building up' phase after the structure is placed. If this file does not exist, when the structure using the ANDR graphic is placed, it will just suddenly appear (which does not look good). Finally, if I wanted the user to be able to build this structure, I should also include the file 'andricon.shp', which contains the graphic that Red Alert uses for the icon. If this file isn't supplied, the cell in the sidebar where this icon would normally be displayed will be blank, and suffer from 'bleeding' from the other graphics. The filenames used by Red Alert for Windows 95 are exactly the same ones, but they are stored in different MIX files (LORES.MIX for DOS and HIRES.MIX for Windows). I'm not sure if Red Alert reads selfmade LORES.MIX or HIRES.MIX files. So, you can only make a MIX file for DOS or for Windows95, you can't put graphics for both versions in ONE MIX file! The same is done for vehicles, ships and infantry that you want to replace (although they only need the base graphic and the icon graphic). The base graphic must have a maximum 4 letter title (CFH will work but CFHAR will NOT). Construction graphics (for buildings) take this base name and add MAKE to the end, while icon graphics take the base name and add ICON to the end. Special Note: the graphics for the hidden pillbox and the missile silo are also theater-specific, so they must be treated as you would when replacing civilian building graphics. ie to replace the graphic for a missile silo in the temperate theater with a graphic called BANG, you would need to include the file bang.tem, bangmake.tem, and bangicon.shp. Yes, the icon has the .shp extension. [Because bangicon.shp is normally stored in REDALERT.MIX] One final note on replacing graphics: your new graphics should be as close to the original size of the building as possible, otherwise graphics clipping problems occur. You will have to work out what size you can use for yourself. You should also keep the number of frames of animation in your new graphic the same as of the original graphic. RA-MIXer comes with a set of conversions tools which also contains a wav to aud converter. This means that you can create your own .aud files, and place them in your .mix files. If you look in section [2.3] "Available Red Alert Speeches" you will see the list of .aud files that Red Alert uses to inform you of certain occurances. By placing your own .aud files with the same name as the original (eg say I wanted to replace the original "Mission accomplished" speech, I would put a file called 'misnwon1.aud' in my .mix file), you can get Red Alert to use your .aud files instead of the original ones. In addition, it is possible to change the responses of the various units by placing the correctly-named .aud file into your .mix file. For example, if I recorded and converted James Bond saying "Shaken, not stirred", I could get the spy to say that by placing the file 'sking1.aud' (this would replace the "For king and country" response of the spy). See Section [2.4] "Available Red Alert Sound Effects" for the filenames (in the Abbrev. column) that you would need to replace. It may also be possible to replace the songs in Red Alert with your own music. I have only tried this with replacing the AWAIT soundtrack (as it doesn't originall appear), and this worked (ie I placed the file await.aud in my .mix file). I am unsure of whether the other songs can be replaced by placing the specified file in your .mix file (you will have to work this out for yourself). You can replace even the videos in Red Alert, although you cannot add new ones apparently. I am talking about the .vqa videos, not the .wsa animations (I have not tested whether .wsa animations can also be replaced, but I would guess that they could). To do this, you simply place a .vqa file in your .mix file that has the same name as the abbreviation of the movie (see Available Red Alert Movies for this listing). I do not know whether there is a .vqa encoder available at the current moment, nor do I know whether Red Alert's vqa format is the same as that of C&C's vqa format (you can use C&C videos in Red Alert, but the palette is so different as to make this pointless). Looking back, it seems as though pretty much everything in Red Alert can be replaced by using a custom-made mix file. The question is: what else can be changed? Really, only the actual map graphics themselves are left to be seen if they can be changed. CHAPTER 2: Advanced Editing --------------------------- [2.1] Available Red Alert Movies -------------------------------- These are the names and numbers of all the video clips in RA. (The movie numbers are placed in the third parameter of the trigger action in the mission files). To get the original filename, add '.VQA' to the name. Example: The correct filename for the VQA movie "BATTLE" (number 4) is BATTLE.VQA Movie Plays on Plays on Names #'s Soviet Allies Descriptions -------------------------------------------------- AAGUN 0 yes yes anti-aircraft guns firing at yaks while barracks get strafed MIG 1 yes no MIG flying along and shooting tank SFROZEN 2 yes no dead (Soviet) soldier in bunker in snow AIRFIELD 3 yes no yak moving out of hanger onto airstrip with lots of other yaks BATTLE 4 no yes destroyed tanks, jeeps etc on field (ends with tank exploding) BMAP 5 yes yes dagger falling onto map of Europe, filling it red (Soviet win video) BOMBRUN 6 yes no bombing run by badger bomber onto building DPTHCHRG 7 yes no depth charge attack on sub GRVESTNE 8 no yes gravestone of Tanya MONTPASS 9 no yes convoy of 3 trucks MTNKFACT 10 yes no construction of heavy/mammoth tank CRONTEST 11 no yes chronosphere in action (expanding blue field engulfs units) OILDRUM 12 no yes looking through binoculars into base, tank fires shell into barrel that explodes ALLYEND 13 no yes allied ending (Stalin found but left buried) RADRRAID 14 yes no 2 tanks attacking radar dome and pillboxes SHIPYARD 15 no no ****NOT ON EITHER DISK**** SHORBOMB 16 no yes cruiser tactical display and then bombing shore target SITDUCK 17 yes no sub attacking cruiser (2 torpedo hits) SLNTSRVC 18 yes no sub glides past, along ocean floor SNOWBASE 19 no no ****NOT ON EITHER DISK**** EXECUTE 20 yes no firing squad kills person in snow REDINTRO 21 yes yes Red Alert's intro movie sequence NUKESTOK 22 yes no mushroom cloud from A-bomb V2ROCKET 23 yes no 2 V2 rockets being launched off ledge SEARCH 24 yes no search lights being trained on prison complex BINOC 25 no yes man with binoculars looking at heavy tanks travelling along road ELEVATOR 26 no yes soviet lift going down (or up) FROZEN 27 no yes dead (Allied) soldier in bunker MCV 28 no yes MCV is snow (stops moving but doesn't deploy) SHIPSINK 29 no yes helicopter over water going to damaged and sinking cruiser SOVMCV 30 yes no MCV in snow (stops moving but doesn't deploy) TRINITY 31 no yes Eiffel Tower in foreground of nuclear strike ALLYMORF 32 yes yes morph into Allied symbol (Allied win animation) APCESCPE 33 no yes APC running away from burning base BRDGTILT 34 no yes bridge over a river (snow) CRONFAIL 35 yes yes chronosphere blowing up while trying to activate STRAFE 36 yes no yak strafing jeeps as they cross a bridge DESTROYR 37 no yes boats travelling up river (snow) DOUBLE 38 yes no 2 MCV's travelling across grass field FLARE 39 yes yes person signalling with flare, then planes fly overhead (snow) SNSTRAFE 40 yes no yak making strafing row of people in village; teddy bear is dropped LANDING 41 yes yes soviet tech. centre with 2 tesla coils out front, transport helicopter lands (snow) ONTHPRWL 42 yes no sub moving along ocean floor OVERRUN 43 no yes 2 soldiers in foxhole, they run out just before tank runs over that foxhole SNOWBOMB 44 yes yes cruiser firing at base and hitting it SOVCEMET 45 yes no gravestone with R.I.P on it TAKE_OFF 46 yes no transport helicopter lifting off TESLA 47 yes no tesla coil zapping medium tank SOVIET8 48 yes no soviet briefing SPOTTER 49 yes no binocular view of 3 soldiers ALLY1 50 yes yes allied briefing ALLY2 51 no yes allied briefing ALLY4 52 no yes allied briefing SOVFINAL 53 yes no soviet end video - Kane is the future! ASSESS 54 no yes man in snow with binoculars watching base; focuses on Iron Curtain SOVIET10 55 yes no soviet briefing DUD 56 no yes bird on nuclear missile that didn't explode (in London?) MCV_LAND 57 no yes helicopter landing in snow next to truck MCVBRDGE 58 yes no MCV moving across bridge PERISCOP 59 yes no sub targeting cruiser through periscope, and launching a torpedo at it SHORBOM1 60 no yes cruiser tactical display (see 16, but it doesn't attack afterwards) SHORBOM2 61 no yes cruiser pounding shore base SOVBATL 62 yes no destroyed heavy tanks, APCs, helicopters, with helicopters flying overhead SOVTSTAR 63 yes yes soviet star (Soviet win animation) AFTRMATH 64 no yes binocular view of destroyed base; focuses on destroyed Iron Curtain (see 54) SOVIET11 65 yes no soviet briefing MASASSLT 66 no yes view of city, then tanks come rolling in, followed by helicopters (city is Soviet) ENGLISH 67 **no** no ****NOT ON EITHER DISK**** SOVIET1 68 yes yes soviet briefing SOVIET2 69 yes no soviet briefing SOVIET3 70 yes no soviet briefing SOVIET4 71 yes no soviet briefing SOVIET5 72 yes no soviet briefing SOVIET6 73 yes no soviet briefing SOVIET7 74 yes no soviet briefing PROLOG 75 yes yes Einstein travelling back in time to get Hitler AVERTED 76 yes no computer room with 'meltdown averted' message COUNTDWN 77 yes no computer room with 'meltdown imminent' message MOVINGIN 78 yes no convoy of 3 trucks ALLY10 79 no yes allied briefing ALLY12 80 no yes allied briefing ALLY5 81 no yes allied briefing ALLY6 82 no yes allied briefing ALLY8 83 no yes allied briefing TANYA1 84 no yes Tanya about to be interrogated (with needle) TANYA2 85 no yes Tanya getting rescued (shooting guy) ALLY10B 86 no yes allied briefing ALLY11 87 no yes allied briefing ALLY14 88 no yes allied briefing ALLY9 89 no yes allied briefing SPY 90 no yes Russian guard getting mugged by spy TOOFAR 91 no yes bridge being blown up by commandos in dingy SOVIET12 92 yes no soviet briefing SOVIET13 93 yes no soviet briefing SOVIET9 94 yes no soviet briefing BEACHEAD 95 yes no turret on beach attacking tanks as they come out of an LST; pans out to ocean where more LST wait SOVIET14 96 yes no soviet briefing SIZZLE 97 yes yes Land of Lore 2 preview SIZZLE2 98 yes yes Bladerunner preview Counterstrike only: ANTEND 99 *counterstrike only* Queen ant dying in fire - ant end movie. ANTINTRO 100 *counterstrike only* "It came from Red Alert" - ant intro movie. There are 3 videos that are on neither cdrom: SNOWBASE, SHIPYARD, and ENGLISH. SNOWBASE and SHIPYARD perform as other videos do when the wrong cdrom is in the driver, but ENGLISH causes Red Alert to crash (at least the Windows 95 version) when played from the Soviet cdrom (at least from the Play Movie trigger). It is likely for foreign language versions of Red Alert that the ENGLISH video will have some other name. When a movie is specified with the Play Movie trigger and it does not exist on the cdrom that is currently in the drive, there will be a brief flash of black (if black can be considered to be a 'flashable' colour), then the mission will resume. The exception is the ENGLISH movie, which crashes on the Soviet disk. Do not specify a movie name/number that is not on the current disk. [2.2] Available Red Alert Songs -------------------------------- The following songs are available in Red Alert: To get the original filename, add '.AUD' to the abbrev. Example: The correct filename for the song "Hell March" (number 4) is HELL226M.AUD #'s Abbrev. Song Title --------------------------- 0 BIGF226M Bigfoot 1 CRUS226M Crush 2 FAC1226M Face the Enemy 1 3 FAC2226M Face the Enemy 2 4 HELL226M Hell March 5 RUN1226M Run For Your Life 6 SMSH226M Smash 7 TREN226M Trenches 8 WORK226M Workmen 9 DENSE_R Dense 10 FOGGER1A Fogger 11 MUD1A Mud 12 RADIO2 Radio 2 13 ROLLOUT Roll Out 14 SNAKE Snake 15 TERMINAT Terminate 16 TWIN Twin 17 VERTOR1A Vector 18 MAP Map Selection theme 19 SCORE Score screen theme 20 INTRO Intro theme 21 CREDITS End Credits theme Counterstrike only: 22 2ND_HAND 2nd_Hand 23 ARAZOID Arazoid 24 BACKSTAB Backstab 25 CHAOS2 Chaos2 26 SHUT_IT Shut_it 27 TWINMIX1 TwinMix1 28 UNDER3 Under3 29 VR2 VR2 Note that the song "AWAIT" mentioned in the rules.ini file in the [ThemeControl] section does not actually exist. [2.3] Available Red Alert Speeches ---------------------------------- To get the original filename, add '.AUD' to the abbrev. Example: The correct filename for "Mission failed" (number 1) is MISNLST1.AUD Abbrev. #'s What is said --------------------------------- MISNWON1 0 "Mission accomplished" MISNLST1 1 "Mission failed" PROGRES1 2 "Unable to comply, building in progress" CONSCMP1 3 "Construction complete" UNITRDY1 4 "Unit ready" NEWOPT1 5 "New construction options" NODEPLY1 6 "Cannot deploy here" STRCKIL1 7 "Structure destroyed" NOPOWR1 8 "Insufficient power" NOFUNDS1 9 "Insufficient funds" BCT1 10 "Battle control terminated" REINFOR1 11 "Reinforcements have arrived" CANCLD1 12 "Cancelled" ABLDGIN1 13 "Building" LOPOWER1 14 "Low power" NOFUNDS1 15 "Insufficient funds" BASEATK1 16 "Our base is under attack" NOBUILD1 17 "Unable to build more" PRIBLDG1 18 "Primary building selected none 19 (nothing) none 20 (nothing) UNITLST1 21 "Unit lost" SLCTTGT1 22 "Select target" ENMYAPP1 23 "Enemy approaching" SILOND1 24 "Silos needed" ONHOLD1 25 "On hold" REPAIR1 26 "Repaired" (may be "repairing") none 27 (nothing) none 28 (nothing) AUNITL1 29 "Airborne unit lost" none 30 (nothing) AAPPRO1 31 "Allied forces approaching" AARRIVE1 32 "Allied reinforcements have arrived" none 33 (nothing) none 34 (nothing) BLDGINF1 35 "Building infiltrated" CHROCHR1 36 "Chronosphere charging" CHRORDY1 37 "Chronosphere ready" CHROYES1 38 "Chronosphere test successful" CMDCNTR1 39 "Command Centre under attack" CNTLDED1 40 "Control Centre deactivated" CONVYAP1 41 "Convoy approaching" CONVLST1 42 "Convoy unit lost" XPLOPLC1 43 "Explosive charge placed" CREDIT1 44 "Credits stolen" NAVYLST1 45 "Naval unit lost" SATLNCH1 46 "Satellite launched" PULSE1 47 "Sonar pulse available" none 48 (nothing) SOVFAPP1 49 "Soviet forces approaching" SOVREIN1 50 "Soviet reinforcements have arrived" TRAIN1 51 "Training" AREADY1 52 "A-bomb ready" ALAUNCH1 53 "A-bomb launch detected" AARRIVN1 54 "Allied reinforcements have arrived from the north" AARRIVS1 55 "Allied reinforcements have arrived from the south" AARIVE1 56 "Allied reinforcements have arrived from the east" AARRIVW1 57 "Allied reinforcements have arrived from the west" 1OBJMET1 58 "First objective met" 2OBJMET1 59 "Second objective met" 3OBJMET1 60 "Third objective met" IRONCHG1 61 "Iron Curtain charging" IRONRDY1 62 "Iron Curtain ready" KOSYRES1 63 "Kosygin rescued" OBJNMET1 64 "Objective not met" FLAREN1 65 "Signal flare detected from the north" FLARES1 66 "Signal flare detected from the south" FLAREE1 67 "Signal flare detected from the east" FLAREW1 68 "Signal flare detected from the west" SPYPLN1 69 "Spy plane ready" TANYAF1 70 "Tanya freed" ARMORUP1 71 "Unit armour upgraded" FIREPO1 72 "Unit firepower upgraded" UNITSPD1 73 "Unit speed upgraded" MTIMEIN1 74 "Mission timer initialised" UNITFUL1 75 "Unit full" UNITREP1 76 "Unit repaired" 40MINR 77 "Forty minutes remaining" 30MINR 78 "Thirty minutes remaining" 20MINR 79 "Twenty minutes remaining" 10MINR 80 "Ten minutes remaining" 5MINR 81 "Warning, five minutes remaining" 4MINR 82 "Warning, four minutes remaining" 3MINR 83 "Warning, three minutes remaining" 2MINR 84 "Warning, two minutes remaining" 1MINR 85 "Warning, one minute remaining" TIMERNO1 86 "Timer stopped" UNITSLD1 87 "Unit sold" TIMERGO1 88 "Timer started" TARGRES1 89 "Target rescued" TARGFRE1 90 "Target freed" TANYAR1 91 "Tanya rescued" STRUSLD1 92 "Structure sold" SOVFORC1 93 "Soviet forces have fallen" SOVEMP1 94 "Soviet empire selected" SOVEFAL1 95 "Soviet empire has fallen" OPTERM1 96 "Operation terminated" OBJRCH1 97 "Objective reached" OBJNRCH1 98 "Objective not reached" OBJMET1 99 "Objective met" MERCR1 100 "Mercenary rescued" MERCF1 101 "Mercenary freed" KOSYFRE1 102 "Kosygin freed" FLARE1 103 "Signal flare detected" COMNDOR1 104 "Commando rescued" COMNDOF1 105 "Commando freed" BLDGPRG1 106 "Building in progress" ATPREP1 107 "Atom bomb prepping" ASELECT1 108 "Allied forces selected" APREP1 109 "A-bomb prepping" ATLNCH1 110 "Atom bomb launch detected" AFALLEN1 111 "Allied forces have fallen" AAVAIL1 112 "A-bomb available" AARRIVE1 113 "Allied reinforcements have arrived" SAVE1 114 "Mission saved" LOAD1 115 "Mission loaded" [2.4] Available Red Alert Sound Effects --------------------------------------- These are the sound effects available in Red Alert To get the original filename, add '.AUD' to the abbrev. Example: The correct filename for Girl's voice "Yeah?" (number 1) is GIRLYEAH.AUD Abbrev. #'s Type of sound effect --------------------------------------------- GIRLOKAY 0 Girl's voice: "Ok" GIRLYEAH 1 Girl's voice "Yeah?" GUYOKAY1 2 Guy's voice: "Ok" GUYYEAH1 3 Guy's voice: "Yeah?" MINELAY1 4 (mine laying sound? couldn't hear anything) ACKNO 5 Russian voice: "Acknowledged" AFFIRM1 6 Military voice: "Affirmative" AWAIT1 7 Military voice: "Awaiting orders" EAFFIRM1 8 Engineer's voice: "Affirmative" EENGIN1 9 Engineer's voice: "Engineering" NOPROB 10 "Of course" (Einstein's voice?) READY 11 Military voice: "Ready and waiting" REPORT1 12 Military voice: "Reporting" RITAWAY 13 Military voice: "At once" ROGER 14 Military voice: "Agreed" UGOTIT 15 Military voice: "Very well" VEHIC1 16 (didn't hear anything) YESSIR1 17 Military voice: "Yes sir?" DEDMAN1 18 Man's death sound DEDMAN2 19 Man's death sound DEDMAN3 20 Man's death sound DEDMAN4 21 Man's death sound DEDMAN5 22 Man's death sound DEDMAN6 23 Man's death sound DEDMAN7 24 Man's death sound DEDMAN8 25 Man's death sound DEDMAN10 26 Man's death sound CHRONO2 27 Sound of chronosphere being fired CANNON1 28 Cannon shot CANNON2 29 Cannon shot (tinier than #28) IRONCUR9 30 Iron Curtain being fired EMOVOUT1 31 Engineer's voice: "Moving out" SONPULSE 32 Sonar pulse sound SANDBAG2 33 Sandbag being squashed MINEBLO1 34 Mine's 'ping' sound CHUTE1 35 Sound of torpedo being launched? DOGY1 36 Dog's bark DOGW5 37 Dog's whine DOGG5P 38 Dog's growl FIREBL3 39 Fireball sound (or something very similar) FIRETRT1 40 Another fire sound? GRENADE1 41 Sound of grenade being thrown? GUN11 42 Machine gun sound (5 quick shots) GUN13 43 Machine gun sound (8 or 9 very quick shots) EYESSIR1 44 Engineer's voice: "Yes sir" GUN27 45 Single gun shot HEAL2 46 Medic's healing sound HYDROD1 47 don't know (sound a bit like a steam press) INVUL2 48 don't know KABOOM1 49 An explosion KABOOM12 50 An explosion KABOOM15 51 An explosion SPLASH9 52 Object falling into water KABOOM22 53 Really large explosion AACANON3 54 Sound of AAGun firing? TANDETH1 55 Tanya death sound MGUNINF1 56 Machine gun sound (6 or 7 quick shots) MISSILE1 57 SAM missile firing MISSILE6 58 missile firing sound MISSILE7 59 missile firing sound (V2 rocket?) x 60 (nothing) PILLBOX1 61 sound of pillbox firing (machine gun sound) RABEEP1 62 a beep RAMENU1 63 a very short beep SILENCER 64 single sniper shot TANK5 65 cannon shot (very loud) TANK6 66 cruiser firing sound (or may be artillery sound) TORPEDO1 67 torpedo being launched TURRET1 68 turret gun firing sound TSLACHG2 69 tesla coil charging up TESLA1 70 tesla coil firing SQUISHY2 71 something getting squashed SCOLDY1 72 very short beep RADARON2 73 sound of radar coming on RADARDN1 74 sound of radar going off PLACBLDG 75 sound of building being placed KABOOM30 76 an explosion KABOOM25 77 an explosion x 78 (nothing) DOGW7 79 dog's whine DOGW3PX 80 dog's growl CRMBLE2 81 sound of something falling down/crumbling down CASHUP1 82 short bleep CASHDN1 83 short bleep BUILD5 84 construction sounds BLEEP9 85 long bleep sound BLEEP6 86 bleep sound BLEEP5 87 bleep sound BLEEP17 88 bleep sound BLEEP13 89 bleep sound BLEEP12 90 bleep sound BLEEP11 91 bleep sound H2OBOMB2 92 big explosion (A-bomb going off?) CASHTURN 93 sound of something being sold TUFFGUY1 94 Tanya: "Chew on this" ROKROLL1 95 Tanya: "Let's rock" LAUGH1 96 Tanya laughing CMON1 97 Tanya: "Shake it baby" BOMBIT1 98 Tanya: "Cha-ching!" GOTIT1 99 Tanya: "That's all you got?" KEEPEM1 100 Tanya: "Kiss it bye-bye" ONIT1 101 Tanya: "I'm there" LEFTY1 102 Tanya: "Give it to me" YEAH1 103 Tanya: "Yeah?" YES1 104 Tanya: "Yes sir" YO1 105 Tanya: "What's up?" WALLKIL2 106 something (concrete wall being destroyed?) x 107 (nothing) GUN5 108 single cannon shot SUBSHOW1 109 submarine 'decloaking' EINAH1 110 Einstein: "Ya?" EINOK1 111 Einstein: "Incredible" EINYES1 112 Einstein: "Yes" MINE1 113 explosion SCOMND1 114 spy: "Commander" SYESSIR1 115 spy: "Yes sir" SINDEED1 116 spy: "Indeed" SONWAY1 117 spy: "On my way" SKING1 118 spy: "For king and country" MRESPON1 119 medic: "Medic reporting" MYESSIR1 120 medic: "Yes sir" MAFFIRM1 121 medic: "Affirmative" MMOVOUT1 122 medic: "Moving out" BEEPSLCT 123 a bleep (deepish in pitch) SYEAH1 124 thief: "Yeah?" x 125 (nothing) x 126 (nothing) SMOUT1 127 thief: "Moving out" SOKAY1 128 thief: "Ok" x 129 (nothing) SWHAT1 130 thief: "What?" SAFFIRM1 131 thief: "Affirmative" Counterstrike only: STAVCMDR 132 Stavros: "Commander?" STAVCRSE 133 Stavros: "Of course" STAVYES 134 Stavros: "Yes" STAVMOV 135 Stavros: "Move out" BUZY1 136 emergency buzzer sound RAMBO1 137 Rambo (C&C voice): "I've got a present for ya" RAMBO2 138 Rambo (C&C voice): "Ha ha ha ha" RAMBO3 139 Rambo (C&C voice): "Real tough guy" [2.5] Available Red Alert Buildings ----------------------------------- The following buildings are available in Red Alert (although not all of them can be built): Most of the structures listed below have more than one filename. First, there's one filename for the structure itself (just add '.SHP'). If the structures has a 'building up' effect, then there's a second filename: add 'MAKE.SHP' to the abbrev. Now, the only thing missing is the icon for the structure. Not all structures have icons - only those that can be built. To get the filename for the icon, just add 'ICON.SHP' to the abbrev. Example: The correct filenames for the Weapons Factory (number 3) are: > Structure: WEAP.SHP > Building Up: WEAPMAKE.SHP > Icon: WEAPICON.SHP (Note, that the civilian buildings don't use the extension .SHP! See section [1.1] "Advanced MIX editing" and [1.2] "About the filenames") #'s Abbrev. Name Has Icon ------------------------------------------------- 0 ATEK Allied Technology Centre yes 1 IRON Iron Curtain yes 2 WEAP Weapons Factory yes 3 PDOX Chronosphere yes 4 PBOX Pillbox yes 5 HBOX Camouflaged Pillbox yes 6 DOME Radar Dome yes 7 GAP Gap Generator yes 8 GUN Gun Turret yes 9 AGUN Anti-Aircraft Gun yes 10 FTUR Flame Turret yes 11 FACT Construction Yard yes 12 PROC Ore Refinery yes 13 SILO Ore Silo yes 14 HPAD Helicopter Pad yes 15 SAM SAM Site yes 16 AFLD Airfield yes 17 POWR Power Plant yes 18 APWR Advanced Power Plant yes 19 STEK Soviet Technology Centre yes 20 HOSP Hospital no 21 BARR Barracks (Allied) yes 22 TENT Barracks (Soviet) yes 23 KENN Dog Kennel yes 24 FIX Service Depot yes 25 BIO Bio-Research Laboratory no 26 MISS Technology Centre/Prison no 27 SYRD Ship Yard yes 28 SPEN Sub Pen yes 29 MSLO Missile Silo yes 30 FCOM Forward Command Post no 31 TSLA Tesla Coil yes 32 WEAF Fake Weapons Factory yes 33 FACF Fake Construction Yard yes 34 SYRF Fake Ship Yard yes 35 SPEF Fake Sub Pen no 36 DOMF Fake Radar Dome yes x SBAG Sandbag yes x CYCL Chain-link fence no x BRIK Concrete wall yes x BARB Barbed-wire fence no x WOOD Wooden fence no x FENC Barbed wire (the normal type) yes 43 MINV Anti-vehicle mine no 44 MINP Anti-personnel mine no x V01 Church no x V02 Han's and Gretel's no x V03 Hewitt's Manor no x V04 Ricktor's House no x V05 Gretchin's House no x V06 The Barn no x V07 Damon's Pub no x V08 Fran's House no x V09 Music Factory no x V10 Toymaker's no x V11 Ludwig's House no x V12 Haystacks no x V13 Haystack no x V14 Wheat Field no x V15 Fallow Field no x V16 Corn Field no x V17 Celery Field no x V18 Potato Field no x V19 Oil Pump no x *V20 **NO DESCRIPTION** no x *V21 Abdul's House no x *V22 Pablo's Wicked Pub no x *V23 Village Well no x *V24 **NO DESCRIPTION** no x *V25 Church no x *V26 Ali's House no x *V27 Trader Ted's no x *V28 Menelik's House no x *V29 Prestor John's House no x *V30 Village Well no x *V31 Witch Doctor's House no x *V32 Rikitikitembo's Hut no x *V33 Roarke's Hut no x *V34 Musaba's Hut no x *V35 Aksum's Hut no x *V36 Mambo's Hut no x *V37 The Studio no x BARL (single barrel) no x BRL3 (cluster of 3 barrels) no Counterstrike only: 84 QUEE Queen ant structure 85 LAR1 Ant - single ant larva 86 LAR2 Ant - two ant larvae While MINV and MINP do cause the trigger to be activated if they are made buildable, placing a bought mine causes the construction yard to go berserk and stops the further placement of any other buildings. Those structures that have an 'x' where their number should be do not activate the Build Building type trigger. Any structure without an icon that is made buildable will get a 'hall-of-mirrors' icon when displayed. This means that their icon will be made up of bits of graphics from whatever was last displayed in that section of the screen. The civilian structures marked with a * (V20 to V37) do not have any graphics displayed on either the SNOW or TEMPERATE theatres. In the original Command and Conquer, they appeared only in the DESERT theatre, which was not included in Red Alert. They are a left-over from C&C. The civilian structure V20 and V24 not only have no description associated with them, but they also are not selectable. The two types of barrel and mines are not selectable. After some digging around, I have determined that the statement that the V20 to V37 structures are left-overs from C&C days is not quite true. It is true that they have no graphics, but there is a way of providing your own graphics for them (see Section [1.1] "Advanced MIX editing" and [1.2] "About the filenames" for more on this). [2.6] Available Red Alert Infantry Units ---------------------------------------- The following infantry units are in Red Alert (note that the attack dog is treated as an infantry unit by Red Alert): To get the original filename, just add '.SHP' to the abbrev. Example: The correct filename for the Rocket Soldier (number 2) is E3.SHP #'s Abbrev. Name Has Icon --------------------------------------------- 0 E1 Rifle Infantry Yes 1 E2 Grenadier Yes 2 E3 Rocket Soldier Yes 3 E4 Flamethrower Yes 4 E6 Engineer Yes 5 E7 Tanya Yes 6 SPY Spy Yes 7 THF Thief Yes 8 MEDI Field Medic Yes 9 GNRL General No 10 DOG Attack Dog Yes 11 C1 Joe No 12 C2 Barry No 13 C3 Shelly No 14 C4 Maria No 15 C5 Karen No 16 C6 Steve No 17 C7 Phil No 18 C8 Dwight No 19 C9 Erik No 20 C10 Scientist No 21 EINSTEIN Prof. Einstein No 22 DELPHI Special 1 No 23 CHAN Special 2 No The names of the civilian units are not normally visible, but can be made visible be setting the NamedCivilians variable to yes in the [General] section of the rules.ini file (or see the section Changing Red Alert Values on how to do this for an individual mission). [2.7] Available Red Alert Vehicles ----------------------------------- The following vehicles are available in Red Alert (please note that ships are not counted as vehicles): Most of the vehicles listed below have more than one filename. First, there's one filename for the vehicle itself (just add '.SHP'). The second filename is for the icon (if the vehicle is buildable and has an icon). In this case, add 'ICON.SHP' to the abbrev. Example: The correct filenames for the Medium Tank (number 2) are: > Vehicle: 2TNK.SHP > Icon: 2TNKICON.SHP #'s Abbrev. Name Has Icon --------------------------------------------------- 0 4TNK Mammoth Tank Yes 1 3TNK Heavy Tank Yes 2 2TNK Medium Tank Yes 3 1TNK Light Tank Yes 4 APC Armoured Personnel Carrier Yes 5 MNLY Mine Layer Yes 6 JEEP Ranger Yes 7 HARV Ore Truck Yes 8 ARTY Artillery Yes 9 MRJ Mobile Radar Jammer Yes 10 MGG Mobile Gap Generator Yes 11 MCV Mobile Construction Vehicle Yes 12 2VRL V2 Rocket Launcher Yes 13 TRUK Convoy Truck *Yes* Counterstrike only: 14 ANT1 First ant type No 15 ANT2 Second ant type No 16 ANT3 Third ant type No The convoy truck does have an icon, but it looks nothing like the unit does in the game. It looks like the ranger's icon, except the rear part of the ranger is exploding. This is only in the MS-DOS version of Red Alert. The Window 95 version of Red Alert has a correct icon (the unit on the icon actually looks like the convoy truck). [2.8] Available Red Alert Aircraft ---------------------------------- The following aircraft are available in Red Alert: It seems that all aircrafts in Red Alert have two filenames. First, there's one filename for the aircraft itself (just add '.SHP'). The second filename is for the icon (if the aircraft is buildable and has an icon). In this case, add 'ICON.SHP' to the abbrev. Example: The correct filenames for the Spy Plane (number 2) are: > Aircraft: U2.SHP > Icon: U2ICON.SHP #'s Abbrev. Names Has Icon ------------------------------------------ 0 TRAN Chinook Helicopter Yes 1 BADR Badger Bomber Yes 2 U2 Spy Plane Yes 3 MIG MIG Attack Plane Yes 4 YAK Yak Attack Plane Yes 5 HELI Longbow Helicopter Yes 6 HIND Hind Helicopter Yes The Badger Bomber and Spy Planes, if made buyable by the player, cannot be selected and hence cannot be moved off the airfield. [2.9] Available Red Alert Ships ------------------------------- The following ships are available in Red Alert (they don't have any numbers because they cannot be used in triggers): All ships in Red Alert have two filenames. One filename for the ship itself (just add '.SHP') and second one for the icon (add 'ICON.SHP' to the abbrev). Example: The correct filenames for the Gun boat (last entry) are: > Ship: PT.SHP > Icon: PTICON.SHP Abbrev. Names Has Icon ------------------------------------------ SS Submarine Yes DD Destroyer Yes CA Cruiser Yes LST Land-Sea Tank (transport) Yes PT Gun Boat Yes APPENDIX A: About this document ------------------------------- These excerpts were taken from "The Red Alert Single Player Mission Creation Guide" (Release 1.1), Copyright 1997 by Andrew Griffin and C. F. Harkins (andrewg@light.iinet.net.au and cfhark@msn.com). The latest version can be found at: www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/5458 The text above was slightly modified by Moritz Mertinkat for use in RA-MIXer; i.e. I added some aspects and corrected some parts of the text which provided wrong (or not enough) information. Moritz Mertinkat (ramixer@gmx.net), 23-MAR-1998.