Welcome to RA-MIXer 5.1, Official Release 3! -------------------------------------------- Please read the updated section "Official RA-MIXer Site" and go to http://come.to/register_ramixer to register your RA-MIXer copy for FREE! [== RA-MIXer documentation ==] I've totally reworked the documentations! The new filenames are: English documentation: RAMIXENG.TXT German documentation: RAMIXGER.TXT MIX Editing documentation: FILENAME.TXT (new!) Additional editing texts: ADDITION.TXT (new!) Please read these documentations before you contact me! [== I need YOUR help! ==] I finally bought Delphi 4.0 Professional which comes with all the sourcecode. So, I'm currently working on RA-MIXer 6.0 for Windows 95/98 which will have the ability to use self-made plugins. Every little detail of RA-MIXer will be accessible through these plugins... But this new version will not be released before the end of this year (there will be some betas, of course!). As soon as the new Command & Conquer 2 (TS) is released I'll also add support for this version. [== RA-MIXer Shareware? ==] > Since I made RA-MIXer, a lot of people asked whether RA-MIXer > is shareware or not. I can only say: RA-MIXer is NOT and will > NEVER BE released as shareware!! > But I would appreciate very much some money, because I have > to pay a lot of things like new development tools or books. I wrote this about RA-MIXer and Shareware.... But as NOBODY of the many RA-MIXer users sent any money I have to release RA-MIXer 6.0 for Windows as SHAREWARE! I'm sorry for that... and a little bit angry :-( But although it will be shareware I'm not going to use annoying nag screens (because I had them!). [== RA-MIXer ADD-ONs ==] At the moment, there are two ADD-ONs for RA-MIXer: (1) AUD Player (to play the AUD files over the Soundblaster and 100% compatible cards) (2) RAMView (to view the multiplayer maps and missions!) You can download these ADD-ONs from THE TESLA COIL: * http://come.to/tesla * http://members.xoom.com/tesla [== RA-MIXer's Birthday ==] RA-MIXer is now over *TWO* year old! Greetings and thanks go out to ALL people who supported RA-MIXer (and still do so) and to those who helped me to develope RA-MIXer and make it better with every version. Not to forget those guys who first published RA-MIXer at MSN and made this program so well-known! Thank you so much! [== Still counting RA-MIXer users ==] I would like to know how many RA-MIXer users there are... So, if you have a copy of RA-MIXer 1.x/2.x/3.0/4.x/5.x, please go to http://come.to/register_ramixer and fill out the pre- defined form or send an email to ramixer@gmx.net with the following lines: Subject: COUNT First line: your name Second line: your@email Thank you very much! (For those who don't have email/Internet-Access: Write to: Moritz Mertinkat, Rossbaechlein 21, 64711 Erbach, GERMANY) [== RA-HD 2.1 ==] RA-HD installs Red Alert onto your HD, so that you can play Red Alert without using a CD. This version now supports the ENGLISH, GERMAN and FRENCH version of Red Alert. RA-HD 2.1 also works with Counterstrike and The Aftermath (in combination with the vIRTUAL dISk cHANGER or RA95 Starter) What is vIRTUAL dISk cHANGER (DOS)? vdc is a little program that allows you to play Red Alert Counterstrike and/or The Aftermath from your Harddrive! No CD-ROM and CD are required any longer. NOTE: This is ONLY for people who own the original CDs for Red Alert and the Mission Disks! RA95 Starter (mentioned above) does exactly the same, but for the Windows Direct-X version of Red Alert! If you only play under Windows, you should download the RA-HD Control Center from THE TESLA COIL. This program provides an easy-to-use Windows interface for RA-HD and vIRTUAL dISk cHAGER. RA-HD Control Center even contains a built-in Red Alert 95 Starter. Get it from http://come.to/tesla [== Official RA-MIXer Site ==] Can you please upload the RA-MIXer package to your page??? If you did so, please write me an email with your page-URL and name, so that I can add your page to the "Official RA-MIXer Sites"-list!! This list is and will be published in RA-MIXer itself, in the RA-MIXer documentation and on my homepage! You can also put the "rmixsite.gif"-file (Official RA-MIXer Site-Logo) on your page. >> Please note that this file was removed from the RA-MIXer package. >> It can be obtained from http://tesla.virtualave.net/rmixsite.gif IMPORTANT: If you add RA-MIXer to your homepage, please also add the ========= following link to THE TESLA COIL: http://come.to/tesla There you can download updates, new RA-MIXer releases and the ADD-ONs. If you have problems, feel free to email me: ramixer@gmx.net [== THE TESLA COIL: Banner Exchange Program ==] If you have a web site, please add a link to my Red Alert page called THE TESLA COIL - Home of RA-MIXer The Tesla Coil or with my banner (400x40, 7KB): If you've RA-MIXer on your site, you can add the following GIF-file (the "Official RA-MIXer Site 1999"-logo): Send me the URL AND name of your page and I'll add it to my link-page. You can also give me the URL of your banner (if you have one). Byebye, Moritz _\\|//_ (` o-o ') ~~~~~ooO-(_)-Ooo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Moritz Mertinkat Author of RA-MIXer ramixer@gmx.net .oooO Oooo. THE TESLA COIL (75+ HITS PER DAY): ( ) ( ) http://come.to/tesla ~~~~~\ (~~~~~) /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \_) (_/