====================================================================== RA-MIXer 5.1 for Command & Conquer RED ALERT [ENGLISH/GERMAN/FRENCH] and Counterstrike [ENGLISH/GERMAN/FRENCH] and The Aftermath [ENGLISH/GERMAN] Copyright (C) 1997,98,99 by Moritz Mertinkat (Bluebit Software) eMail: ramixer@gmx.net WWW 1: http://come.to/tesla (THE TESLA COIL) WWW 2: http://members.xoom.com/tesla (THE TESLA COIL) WWW 3: http://home.t-online.de/home/moehrchen (Turbo Pascal) ====================================================================== About RA-MIXer ---------------------------------------------------------------- This program was written to extract the graphics and MIXs from MAIN.MIX. All files (in the *NEW* MIX-files) have to be defined in NEWMIX.OFS - this is because the NEW MIX-header is encoded in any way, but I don't know how to decode it! The old MIX files (from C&C) can be read without using an offset table (like NEWMIX.OFS). RA-MIXer is also able to edit the old-style MIX files (i.e. replace or delete files from a MIX file). If you have any information about RA-MIX files, please contact me at ramixer@gmx.net (Moritz Mertinkat) - THANX..... Please read README.TXT and RAMIXENG.TXT (English) or RAMIXGER.TXT (German) for further information! History ---------------------------------------------------------------- [= Version 5.1 OR3 == 1.Apr.1999 =] * Added Pentium II,III / Celeron detection * Fixed a small bug in the extract function * RA-MIXer now also works fine from CD-ROM * Additional MIX editing texts (ADDITION.TXT) * Some new Style Sheets * BBS Ready (with "FILE_ID.DIZ") * Offset file v5.13 (NEWMIX.OFS) * ... some other improvements & optimizations [= Version 5.1 OR2 == 10.May.1998 =] Fixed a bug in the replace function * QuickInfo Viewer * Some new Style Sheets * More filenames in NEWMIX.OFS * RA-HD Installer 2.1 - vIRTUAL dISk cHANGER 1.0 - Red Alert 95 Starter * SHP to PCX converter 1.4 * PCX to RMT converter 1.0 (new!) * Documentation updated * Some other improvements you can't see... * BBS Ready (with "FILE_ID.DIZ") * Offset file v5.11 (NEWMIX.OFS) [= Version 5.1 == 22.Mar.1998 =] * Over 6900 offsets for 65 RA-files! * All offsets for The Aftermath [ENG/GER]! * New offsets for Red Alert [GER] * RA-MIXer Style Sheets * PCX Viewer improved - Max. res: 8192x8192 Pixel - about 190-300% faster - now works with VESA 1.x * Quick Info improved * WSA to PCX converter * Fixed a bug in WAV to AUD 1.1 * RA-HD Installer 2.0 [GERMAN/ENGLISH/FRENCH] - Virtual Disk Changer (PRE-RELEASE 1) Play Counterstrike and The Aftermath from your hard disk! * BBS Ready (with "FILE_ID.DIZ") * Offset file v5.10 (NEWMIX.OFS) * ...and of course some improvements you can't see! [= Version 5.0 == 15.Nov.1997 =] Fixed a stupid bug in the "Add to MIX"-routine. Now you can create MIX-files that will WORK with RA (and C&C)!!!! * Optimized RA-MIXer a lot! * Offsets for Aftermath! * Text viewer * AUD detection * AUD Player (AUDPLAY 0.9b, ADD-ON) * QuickInfo - change description while you're in RA-MIXer - even stores filenames * MPR detection (for muliplayer maps and missions) * MPR Viewer (RAMVIEW 1.2 PRO, ADD-ON) * Filemanager improved - Tag/Untag files - Delete tagged files * PCX viewer improved (max. res: 2560x4096) * SHP2PCX 1.1 (by Vladan Bato) * RA-HD Installer 1.4 (GERMAN/ENGLISH/FRENCH) * BBS Ready (with "FILE_ID.DIZ") * Offset file v5.00 (NEWMIX.OFS) * ...and a lot of other improvements! [= Version 4.1 == 28.Jun.1997 =] No BUG-FIXING as there weren't any bugs! * Over 5100 offsets! * Create MIX-files * Replace function for old MIX-files (improved) * Add files (to MIX) * Delete files (from MIX) * Change ID * Filemanager improved - Rename file/dir - Create new directories - Delete files * RA-HD Installer 2.0 (GERMAN/ENGLISH, supports Counterstrike) * All offsets for the German Red-Alert version (AND German Counterstrike) * Over 1200 new FRENCH offsets! * PCX2SHP 1.3 (now compatible with PCX2SHP) * BBS Ready (with "FILE_ID.DIZ") * RAMIX.OFS 4.10 [= Version 4.0 == 18.Jun.1997 =] No BUG-FIXING as there weren't any bugs! * Replace function for OLD MIX-files * PCX-viewer (scrollable, supports VESA and XMS) * AUD2WAV and WAV2AUD-converter * AUD/VQA/PCX-detection * Offsets for AUD/VQA/PCX-files * Palette-Converter 1.0 (Microsoft/JASC/NEO/Standard-pal support) * Over 100 offsets for Counterstrike * RA-HD Installer 2.0 (GERMAN/ENGLISH, supports Counterstrike) * PCX2SHP and PCX2CPS-converter (thanks to Vladan Bato) * RAMIX.OFS 4.00 * All offsets for the German Red-Alert version (AND German Counterstrike) [= Version 3.0 (UPDATE) == 25.Mar.1997 =] * RAMIX.OFS 3.01 (updated) * RA-HD Installer 1.2 (updated) [= Version 3.0 == 20.Mar.1997 =] * FULL WSA-support * Icons (directory/file - press "I" to switch on/off) * 400 NEW offsets * 270 Offsets for "Alarmstufe Rot" [GERMAN-version] * Improved "Exctract"-function (status bar etc...) * SHP to PCX-converter 1.2 * RAMIX.OFS 3.00 * RA-HD Installer 1.0 [= Version 2.1 - 2.5 (BETA 3.0) == 1.Mar.1997 =] Bugfixing and about 350 NEW offsets (icons) [= Version 2.0 == 15.Feb.1997 =] A lot of new features and other improvements (and BUG-FIXING): (version 2.0 was totally rewritten) * CPS and TMP support * old MIX-file support * a PAL-file viewer * CPS to PCX-converter * SHP to PCX- " * RMT to PCX- " * TMP to PCX- " [= Version 1.3 == 7.Feb.1997 =] (NOT RELEASED) Bug in the drive-detection was fixed. RMT-viewer improved. [= Version 1.1 == 2.Feb.1997 =] Fixed bug with offset of CONQUER.MIX in MAIN.MIX [= Version 1.0 == 1.Feb.1997 =] First release to the public domain. This version can only read MIX (RA), SHP and RMT-files. Future extensions: * FULL RA-MIX-FILE SUPPORT * RA-MIXer for Windows 95/98/2000 (coming soon...) * VQA support (with SOUND) * Mouse support for RA-MIXer