.Window of Mini-Map

This little window was made for better & faster navigation around the map.

If you want Turn ON or Turn OFF this option choose the mini-map option in window menu that is located in the top bar of the main Map Editor menu or press key combination  <CTRL> + <SHIFT> + <M>.

The white colored square on this map shows the location of active editor window on the map.

If you move your cursor to the minimap it should change its form to: 
If you hold the left mouse button you can move the white square (and the active map window) to any location on the map. 

If you press <CTRL> + 1, <CTRL> + 2 & <CTRL> + 3 (You could do it from the bar menu), the mini-map window will zoom in or out.


Monolith Productions and Nival Entertainment. (c) 1999. All Rights Reserved.