PAD hostage1 10 greensarge1 > 0 PAD hostage2 11 greensarge1 > 0 PAD hostage3 12 greensarge1 > 0 PAD hostage1vo 50 greensarge1 > 0 PAD hostage2vo 60 greensarge1 > 0 PAD hostage3vo 70 greensarge1 > 0 VARIABLE hostages1 0 VARIABLE hostages2 0 VARIABLE hostages3 0 VARIABLE dancer1 0 VARIABLE dancer2 0 VARIABLE dancer3 0 VARIABLE dancer4 0 VARIABLE dancer5 0 VARIABLE dancer6 0 VARIABLE dancer7 0 VARIABLE dancer8 0 VARIABLE dancer9 0 VARIABLE fdancer1 0 VARIABLE fdancer2 0 VARIABLE fdancer3 0 VARIABLE fdancer4 0 VARIABLE fdancer5 0 VARIABLE fdancer6 0 VARIABLE fdancer7 0 VARIABLE fdancer8 0 VARIABLE fdancer9 0 VARIABLE fdancer10 0 VARIABLE fdancer11 0 VARIABLE fdancer12 0 VARIABLE hancer1 0 VARIABLE hancer2 0 VARIABLE hancer3 0 VARIABLE nom801 0 VARIABLE nom802 0 VARIABLE nom803 0 VARIABLE sargeisdead 0 macro fantdance 2 { if fantdance@1 testvar fdancer@1 < 99999 then addvar fdancer@1 1, triggerdelay @2 fantdance@1, trigger fantdance@1x if fantdance@1x then RANDOM order fant@1 goto (203,1577), order fant@1 goto (336,1821), order fant@1 goto (311,1978), order fant@1 goto (258,2117), order fant@1 goto (153,2260) } expand fantdance (1 225) expand fantdance (2 225) expand fantdance (3 275) expand fantdance (4 250) expand fantdance (5 200) expand fantdance (6 200) expand fantdance (7 250) expand fantdance (8 200) expand fantdance (9 225) expand fantdance (10 275) expand fantdance (11 250) expand fantdance (12 275) macro pantdance 2 { if pantdance@1 testvar dancer@1 < 99999 then addvar dancer@1 1, triggerdelay @2 pantdance@1, trigger pantdance@1x if pantdance@1x then RANDOM order pant@1 goto (203,1577), order pant@1 goto (231,1634), order pant@1 goto (276,1658), order pant@1 goto (344,1676) } expand pantdance (1 100) expand pantdance (2 175) expand pantdance (3 125) expand pantdance (9 100) macro pant2dance 2 { if pantdance@1 testvar dancer@1 < 99999 then addvar dancer@1 1, triggerdelay @2 pantdance@1, trigger pantdance@1x if pantdance@1x then RANDOM order pant@1 goto (463,1487), order pant@1 goto (483,1546), order pant@1 goto (469,1604), order pant@1 goto (443,1641) } expand pant2dance (4 150) expand pant2dance (5 200) expand pant2dance (6 75) expand pant2dance (7 150) expand pant2dance (8 200) macro hantmove 2 { if hantmove@1 testvar hancer@1 < 99999 then addvar hancer@1 1, triggerdelay @2 hantmove@1, trigger hantmove@1x if hantmove@1x then RANDOM order hant@1 goto (1051,1742), order hant@1 goto (1137,1740), order hant@1 goto (1084,1758) } expand hantmove (1 100) expand hantmove (2 75) expand hantmove (3 125) if startup1 then createpowerup "FSH1" flyswatter (520,1264) 3, createpowerup "FSH2" flyswatter (958,383) 3, createpowerup "DDTH1" raid (1420,2142) 3, createpowerup "DDTH2" raid (1114,1026) 3, playsound "birds.wav" 6 1 1, deploy greensarge1, // green hostages createunit "LynchX" rifleman (244,1755) green autorifle, setscientist LynchX, createunit "SantiniX" rifleman (1492,707) green autorifle, setscientist SantiniX, createunit "FairchildX" rifleman (1142,1706) green autorifle, setscientist FairchildX, setnpc LynchX 1, setnpc SantiniX 1, setnpc FairchildX 1, setfacing LynchX 127, setfacing SantiniX 127, setfacing FairchildX 127, setaimode LynchX ignore, setaimode SantiniX ignore, setaimode FairchildX ignore, setmaxhealth LynchX 800, heal LynchX 100, setmaxhealth SantiniX 800, heal SantiniX 100, setmaxhealth FairchildX 800, heal FairchildX 100, // tan guards for the start area createunit "tanguard1" rifleman (759,900) tan rifle, setfacing tanguard1 150, createunit "tanguard2" rifleman (919,774) tan rifle, setfacing tanguard2 150, setaimode tanguard1 defend, setaimode tanguard2 defend, // tan firing squad (Santini) createunit "f1squad1" rifleman (1312,725) tan rifle, setfacing f1squad1 190, createunit "f1squad2" rifleman (1419,732) tan rifle, setfacing f1squad2 110, // createunit "f1squad3" rifleman (1399,823) tan rifle, setfacing f1squad3 30, setaimode f1squad1 ignore, setaimode f1squad2 ignore, setaimode f1squad3 ignore, // tan firing squad (Fairchild) createunit "fsquad1" rifleman (1420,1935) tan rifle, setfacing fsquad1 150, createunit "fsquad2" rifleman (1342,1977) tan rifle, setfacing fsquad2 127, // createunit "fsquad3" rifleman (1416,2041) tan rifle, setfacing fsquad3 30, setaimode fsquad1 ignore, setaimode fsquad2 ignore, setaimode fsquad3 ignore, // tan firing squad (Lynch) createunit "f0squad1" rifleman (538,1669) tan rifle, setfacing f0squad1 90, createunit "f0squad2" rifleman (472,1782) tan rifle, setfacing f0squad2 190, // createunit "f0squad3" rifleman (606,1797) tan rifle, setfacing f0squad3 40, setaimode f0squad1 ignore, setaimode f0squad2 ignore, setaimode f0squad3 ignore, // more tan guards for the start area (by the soda can) createunit "sguard1" rifleman (1232,1230) tan rifle, setfacing sguard1 20, createunit "sguard2" rifleman (619,1379) tan rifle, setaimode sguard1 defend, setaimode sguard2 defend, // ants! for plate area createunit "pant1" ant (192,1595) tan spiderbite, createunit "pant2" ant (182,1692) tan spiderbite, createunit "pant3" ant (331,1695) tan spiderbite, createunit "pant4" ant (477,1473) tan spiderbite, createunit "pant5" ant (513,1549) tan spiderbite, createunit "pant6" ant (485,1614) tan spiderbite, createunit "pant7" ant (477,1473) tan spiderbite, createunit "pant8" ant (513,1549) tan spiderbite, createunit "pant9" ant (192,1595) tan spiderbite, setaimode pant1 ignore, setaimode pant2 ignore, setaimode pant3 ignore, setaimode pant4 ignore, setaimode pant5 ignore, setaimode pant6 ignore, setaimode pant7 ignore, setaimode pant8 ignore, setaimode pant9 ignore, trigger pantdance1, trigger pantdance2, trigger pantdance3, trigger pantdance4, trigger pantdance5, trigger pantdance6, trigger pantdance7, trigger pantdance8, trigger pantdance9, // ants! food line createunit "fant1" ant (357,1704) tan spiderbite, createunit "fant2" ant (367,1771) tan spiderbite, createunit "fant3" ant (336,1821) tan spiderbite, createunit "fant4" ant (290,1875) tan spiderbite, createunit "fant5" ant (267,1926) tan spiderbite, createunit "fant6" ant (311,1978) tan spiderbite, createunit "fant7" ant (325,2033) tan spiderbite, createunit "fant8" ant (288,2071) tan spiderbite, createunit "fant9" ant (258,2117) tan spiderbite, createunit "fant10" ant (200,2155) tan spiderbite, createunit "fant11" ant (197,2219) tan spiderbite, createunit "fant12" ant (153,2260) tan spiderbite, setaimode fant1 ignore, setaimode fant2 ignore, setaimode fant3 ignore, setaimode fant4 ignore, setaimode fant5 ignore, setaimode fant6 ignore, setaimode fant7 ignore, setaimode fant8 ignore, setaimode fant9 ignore, setaimode fant10 ignore, setaimode fant11 ignore, setaimode fant12 ignore, trigger fantdance1, trigger fantdance2, trigger fantdance3, trigger fantdance4, trigger fantdance5, trigger fantdance6, trigger fantdance7, trigger fantdance8, trigger fantdance9, trigger fantdance10, trigger fantdance11, trigger fantdance12, // ants! for hostages createunit "hant1" ant (996,1780) tan spiderbite, createunit "hant2" ant (1094,1779) tan spiderbite, createunit "hant3" ant (1182,1741) tan spiderbite, setaimode hant1 ignore, setaimode hant2 ignore, setaimode hant3 ignore, setfacing hant1 230, setfacing hant2 255, setfacing hant2 15, triggerdelay 1500 hantmove1, triggerdelay 1000 hantmove2, triggerdelay 500 hantmove3, triggerdelay 180000 firingsquadgogogo /// if hit tanguard1 butnot settmode1 then trigger settmode1 if settmode1 then playsound "Guard_Intruders.wav" 13 0, setaimode tanguard1 attack if hit tanguard2 butnot settmode2 then trigger settmode2 if settmode2 then playsound "Guard_Stop.wav" 13 0, setaimode tanguard2 attack if killed sguard1 then createpowerup "" grenade sguard1 10 if killed sguard2 then createpowerup "" grenade sguard2 10 if hit pant1 then addvar dancer1 99999, setaimode pant1 attack if hit pant2 then addvar dancer2 99999, setaimode pant2 attack if hit pant3 then addvar dancer3 99999, setaimode pant3 attack if hit pant4 then addvar dancer4 99999, setaimode pant4 attack if hit pant5 then addvar dancer5 99999, setaimode pant5 attack if hit pant6 then addvar dancer6 99999, setaimode pant6 attack if hit pant7 then addvar dancer7 99999, setaimode pant7 attack if hit pant8 then addvar dancer8 99999, setaimode pant8 attack if hit pant9 then addvar dancer9 99999, setaimode pant9 attack if hit fant1 then addvar fdancer1 99999, setaimode fant1 attack if hit fant2 then addvar fdancer2 99999, setaimode fant2 attack if hit fant3 then addvar fdancer3 99999, setaimode fant3 attack if hit fant4 then addvar fdancer4 99999, setaimode fant4 attack if hit fant5 then addvar fdancer5 99999, setaimode fant5 attack if hit fant6 then addvar fdancer6 99999, setaimode fant6 attack if hit fant7 then addvar fdancer7 99999, setaimode fant7 attack if hit fant8 then addvar fdancer8 99999, setaimode fant8 attack if hit fant9 then addvar fdancer9 99999, setaimode fant9 attack if hit fant10 then addvar fdancer10 99999, setaimode fant10 attack if hit fant11 then addvar fdancer11 99999, setaimode fant11 attack if hit fant12 then addvar fdancer12 99999, setaimode fant12 attack if hit hant1 then addvar hancer1 99999, setaimode hant1 attack, order hant1 goto FairchildX if hit hant2 then trigger playsounds2, addvar hancer2 99999, setaimode hant2 attack, order hant1 goto FairchildX if hit hant3 then trigger playsounds1, addvar hancer3 99999, setaimode hant3 attack, order hant1 goto FairchildX if hit sguard1 butnot setsmode1 then trigger setsmode1 if setsmode1 then setaimode sguard1 attack if hit sguard2 butnot setsmode2 then trigger setsmode2 if setsmode2 then setaimode sguard2 attack if hit sguard3 butnot setsmode3 then trigger setsmode3 if setsmode3 then setaimode sguard3 attack if hit sguard4 butnot setsmode4 then trigger setsmode4 if setsmode4 then setaimode sguard4 attack if playsounds1 butnot playsounds1x then trigger playsounds1x if playsounds1x then playsound "GreenUnits_KillItSarge.wav" 5 0 if playsounds2 butnot playsounds2x then trigger playsounds2x if playsounds2x then playsound "EatenByAnts.wav" 5 0 if padon hostage1 butnot killed LynchX then trigger hostage1x if hostage1x butnot hostage1xx then playsound "Sarge_YouAllright1.wav" 16 2, trigger hostage1xx if hostage1xx butnot killed LynchX then undeploy LynchX, createunit "Lynch" rifleman (244,1755) green autorifle, setnpc Lynch 1, setfacing Lynch 127, damage Lynch 50, setnpc Lynch 0, trigger f0squad1x, trigger f0squad2x, trigger f0squad3x, trigger free1 if padon hostage2 butnot killed SantiniX then trigger hostage2x if hostage2x butnot hostage2xx then playsound "Sarge_YourFreeNow.wav" 16 2, trigger hostage2xx if hostage2xx butnot killed SantiniX then undeploy SantiniX, createunit "Santini" rifleman (1492,707) green autorifle, setnpc Santini 1, setfacing Santini 127, damage Santini 50, setnpc Santini 0, trigger f1squad1x, trigger f1squad2x, trigger f1squad3x, trigger free2 if padon hostage3 butnot killed FairchildX then trigger hostage3x if hostage3x butnot hostage3xx then playsound "Sarge_TanLesson3.wav" 16 2, trigger hostage3xx if hostage3xx butnot killed FairchildX then undeploy FairchildX, createunit "Fairchild" rifleman (1142,1706) green autorifle, setnpc Fairchild 1, setfacing Fairchild 127, damage Fairchild 50, setnpc Fairchild 0, trigger fsquad1x, trigger fsquad2x, trigger fsquad3x, trigger free3 if killed LynchX killed SantiniX killed FairchildX then playsound "" 6 1 1, playsound "TanUnits_bwahahaha3.wav" 16 0, triggerdelay 1000 m80death if killed Lynch killed Fairchild killed Santini killed LynchX killed FairchildX killed SantiniX then trigger randomdeathsounds if randomdeathsounds then RANDOM playsound "GreenUnits_no1.wav" 9 0, playsound "GreenUnits_unit_ahieee1.wav" 9 0, playsound "GreenUnits_no3.wav" 9 0 if m80death then playsound "Sarge_Hostage3.wav" 16 0 if hit f0squad1 butnot f0squad1x then trigger f0squad1x if f0squad1x then setaimode f0squad1 attack, setaimode f0squad2 attack, setaimode f0squad3 attack, setaimode sguard2 attack, order sguard2 goto greensarge1, setaimode sguard4 attack, order sguard4 goto greensarge1, order f0squad2 goto greensarge1, order f0squad3 goto greensarge1, order f0squad1 goto LynchX if hit f0squad2 butnot f0squad2x then trigger f0squad2x if f0squad2x then setaimode f0squad1 attack, setaimode f0squad2 attack, setaimode f0squad3 attack, setaimode sguard2 attack, order sguard2 goto greensarge1, setaimode sguard4 attack, order sguard4 goto greensarge1, order f0squad2 goto greensarge1, order f0squad3 goto greensarge1, order f0squad1 goto LynchX if hit f0squad3 butnot f0squad3x then trigger f0squad3x if f0squad3x then setaimode f0squad1 attack, setaimode f0squad2 attack, setaimode f0squad3 attack, setaimode sguard2 attack, order sguard2 goto greensarge1, setaimode sguard4 attack, order sguard4 goto greensarge1, order f0squad2 goto greensarge1, order f0squad3 goto greensarge1, order f0squad1 goto LynchX if hit f1squad1 butnot f1squad1x then trigger f1squad1x if f1squad1x then setaimode f1squad1 attack, setaimode f1squad2 attack, setaimode f1squad3 attack, setaimode sguard2 attack, order sguard2 goto greensarge1, setaimode tanguard1 attack, order tanguard1 goto greensarge1, setaimode tanguard2 attack, order tanguard2 goto greensarge1, setaimode sguard4 attack, order sguard4 goto greensarge1, order f1squad2 goto greensarge1, order f1squad3 goto greensarge1, order f1squad1 goto SantiniX if hit f1squad2 butnot f1squad2x then trigger f1squad2x if f1squad2x then setaimode f1squad1 attack, setaimode f1squad2 attack, setaimode f1squad3 attack, setaimode sguard2 attack, order sguard2 goto greensarge1, setaimode tanguard1 attack, order tanguard1 goto greensarge1, setaimode tanguard2 attack, order tanguard2 goto greensarge1, setaimode sguard4 attack, order sguard4 goto greensarge1, order f1squad2 goto greensarge1, order f1squad3 goto greensarge1, order f1squad1 goto SantiniX if hit f1squad3 butnot f1squad3x then trigger f1squad3x if f1squad3x then setaimode f1squad1 attack, setaimode f1squad2 attack, setaimode f1squad3 attack, setaimode sguard2 attack, order sguard2 goto greensarge1, setaimode tanguard1 attack, order tanguard1 goto greensarge1, setaimode tanguard2 attack, order tanguard2 goto greensarge1, setaimode sguard4 attack, order sguard4 goto greensarge1, order f1squad2 goto greensarge1, order f1squad3 goto greensarge1, order f1squad1 goto SantiniX if hit fsquad1 butnot fsquad1x then trigger fsquad1x if fsquad1x then setaimode fsquad1 attack, setaimode fsquad2 attack, setaimode fsquad3 attack, setaimode sguard1 attack, order sguard1 goto greensarge1, setaimode sguard3 attack, order sguard3 goto greensarge1, setaimode sguard4 attack, order sguard4 goto greensarge1, order fsquad2 goto greensarge1, order fsquad3 goto greensarge1, order fsquad1 goto FairchildX if hit fsquad2 butnot fsquad2x then trigger fsquad2x if fsquad2x then setaimode fsquad1 attack, setaimode fsquad2 attack, setaimode fsquad3 attack, setaimode sguard1 attack, order sguard1 goto greensarge1, setaimode sguard3 attack, order sguard3 goto greensarge1, setaimode sguard4 attack, order sguard4 goto greensarge1, order fsquad2 goto greensarge1, order fsquad3 goto greensarge1, order fsquad1 goto FairchildX if hit fsquad3 butnot fsquad3x then trigger fsquad3x if fsquad3x then setaimode fsquad1 attack, setaimode fsquad2 attack, setaimode fsquad3 attack, setaimode sguard1 attack, order sguard1 goto greensarge1, setaimode sguard3 attack, order sguard3 goto greensarge1, setaimode sguard4 attack, order sguard4 goto greensarge1, order fsquad2 goto greensarge1, order fsquad3 goto greensarge1, order fsquad1 goto FairchildX if killed f0squad1 then // playsound "TanUnits_arrrgh2.wav" 4 0, createpowerup "" medpack f0squad1 3, addvar hostages1 1, addvar nom801 1 if killed f0squad2 then addvar hostages1 1, addvar nom801 1 if killed f0squad3 then addvar hostages1 1, addvar nom801 1 if killed fsquad1 then // playsound "TanUnits_arrrgh2.wav" 4 0, createpowerup "" medkit fsquad1 1, addvar hostages3 1, addvar nom802 1 if killed fsquad2 then addvar hostages3 1, addvar nom802 1 if killed fsquad3 then addvar hostages3 1, addvar nom802 1 if killed f1squad1 then // playsound "TanUnits_arrrgh2.wav" 4 0, createpowerup "" medpack f1squad1 3, addvar hostages2 1, addvar nom803 1 if killed f1squad2 then addvar hostages2 1, addvar nom803 1 if killed f1squad3 then addvar hostages2 1, addvar nom803 1 if allof killed tanguard1 killed tanguard2 killed f1squad1 killed f1squad2 killed fsquad1 killed fsquad2 killed f0squad1 killed f0squad2 killed sguard1 killed sguard2 then triggerdelay 3000 last2dudes if last2dudes then playsound "TanUnits_attack.wav" 13 0, createunit "sguard3" rifleman (606,141) tan rifle, setfacing sguard3 127, createunit "sguard4" rifleman (675,189) tan rifle, setfacing sguard4 127, setaimode sguard3 attack, setaimode sguard4 attack, order sguard3 goto greensarge1, order sguard4 goto greensarge1, order sguard3 follow greensarge1, order sguard4 follow greensarge1 if allof killed sguard3 killed sguard4 then triggerdelay 3000 endmission1 if endmission1 butnot killed greensarge1 then playsound "" 16 2 1, playsound "" 6 1 1, showpda "Good work, Sarge! The area is secure!", trigger hostage1x, playsound "" 16 2 1, trigger hostage2x, playsound "" 16 2 1, trigger hostage3x, playsound "" 16 2 1, playsound "HQ_Goodwork.wav" 0 1, triggerdelay 100 gotestgreenwins if gotestgreenwins butnot killed greensarge1 then trigger greenwins if killed greensarge1 then setuilock 1, setcamerafocus greensarge1, setvar sargeisdead 1, triggerdelay 1500 hesgone if hesgone then playsound "" 6 1 1, trigger randomvoices, showfailure "Sarge is down!", triggerdelay 1000 tanwins if randomvoices then RANDOM playsound "GreenUnits_SargeIsDead1.wav" 9 0, playsound "GreenUnits_SargeIsDead3.wav" 9 0 if firingsquadgogogo testvar hostages1 = 0 and hostages2 =0 and hostages3 = 0 then playsound "Sarge_FiringSquad1.wav" 16 0, triggerdelay 1500 squadvoices1, triggerdelay 4000 squadfirego if squadvoices1 then playsound "TanUnits_ready4.wav" 10 1, triggerdelay 1000 squadvoices2 if squadvoices2 then playsound "TanUnits_aim3.wav" 10 1 if squadfirego butnot squadfiregoxx then trigger squadfiregoxx if squadfiregoxx then trigger firingsquadgo1, trigger firingsquadgo2, trigger firingsquadgo3 if firingsquadgo1 testvar nom801 = 0 then playsound "TanUnits_meetmaker3.wav" 8 0, playsound "MilitaryCadenceFiringLine.wav" 10 0, order f0squad1 goto LynchX, order f0squad2 goto LynchX, order f0squad3 goto LynchX, triggerdelay 3700 hahaha1 if hahaha1 then playsound "TanUnits_Fire1.wav" 11 0, setnpc LynchX 1, setfacing LynchX 127, setm80 LynchX tan, order LynchX goto greensarge1 if firingsquadgo2 testvar nom802 = 0 then playsound "TanUnits_meetmaker3.wav" 8 0, playsound "MilitaryCadenceFiringLine.wav" 10 0, order fsquad1 goto FairchildX, order fsquad2 goto FairchildX, order fsquad3 goto FairchildX, triggerdelay 3700 hahaha2 if hahaha2 then playsound "TanUnits_Fire1.wav" 11 0, setnpc FairchildX 1, setfacing FairchildX 127, setm80 FairchildX tan, order FairchildX goto greensarge1 if firingsquadgo3 testvar nom803 = 0 then playsound "TanUnits_meetmaker3.wav" 8 0, playsound "MilitaryCadenceFiringLine.wav" 10 0, order f1squad1 goto SantiniX, order f1squad2 goto SantiniX, order f1squad3 goto SantiniX, triggerdelay 3700 hahaha3 if hahaha3 then playsound "TanUnits_Fire1.wav" 11 0, setnpc SantiniX 1, setfacing SantiniX 127, setm80 SantiniX tan, order SantiniX goto greensarge1 if hit LynchX hit FairchildX hit SantiniX then trigger randomhitsounds if randomhitsounds then RANDOM trigger ohno1, playsound "GreenUnits_ahgieie1.wav" 9 0, playsound "GreenUnits_ahgieie2.wav" 9 0, playsound "GreenUnits_ahgieie3.wav" 9 0, playsound "GreenUnits_ahhhh2.wav" 9 0, playsound "GreenUnits_ahieee2.wav" 9 0, playsound "GreenUnits_ahieee3.wav" 9 0, playsound "GreenUnits_arrrgh1.wav" 9 0, playsound "GreenUnits_arrrgh2.wav" 9 0, playsound "GreenUnits_arrrgh3.wav" 9 0, playsound "PrisonersDying.wav" 9 0 if ohno1 butnot ohno1x then trigger ohno1x if ohno1x then playsound "ArmyMen2Doom.wav" 9 0 if padon hostage1vo butnot hostage1vox then trigger hostage1vox if hostage1vox testvar hostages2 = 0 then trigger hostage1voxx if hostage1voxx butnot killed SantiniX then playsound "TanUnits_noOnCanSaveU3.wav" 3 0, triggerdelay 1500 f1squad1x if padon hostage2vo butnot hostage2vox then trigger hostage2vox if hostage2vox testvar hostages1 = 0 then trigger hostage2voxx if hostage2voxx butnot killed LynchX then playsound "GreenUnits_WhenIGetOut1.wav" 3 0, triggerdelay 5000 f0squad1x if padon hostage3vo butnot hostage3vox then trigger hostage3vox if hostage3vox testvar hostages3 = 0 then trigger hostage3voxx if hostage3voxx butnot killed FairchildX then playsound "TanUnits_NotSarge1.wav" 3 0, triggerdelay 3000 fsquad1x if killed soda1 killed soda2 killed soda3 killed soda4 then playsound "sodacanexplode.wav" 3 0 if killed chip1 then playsound "ChipDestroy.wav" 3 0 if killed bucket1 killed bucket2 then playsound "SandBucketDestroy.wav" 3 0 if hit wich1 then playsound "SandwichShoot.wav" 3 0