Carmageddon Splat Pack Credits ------------------------------ 3D/2D 'Art' & Heroism "Nobby the Nob" Barnden (Suck my Porker) 3D/2D Artwork Darren Byford (Thanks to Dante, Bromley and Booker T's for Hell) 3D/2D Artwork Ashley V.R.L. Hampton (I'll 'kin 'ave yer Tony, I will....) 3D/2D Artwork Wayne Howe (Dedicated to James Brooker - he would have loved it) 3D/2D Art + Doughnuts Trevor Howis (Revolutions started & ended while U wait) 2D Artist Russell "Rusk" Hughes (Don't touch it, you'll break it) 3D/2D Art Cameron 'Diaz' Kerr 3D/2D Art "Fighting" Bob Plested 3D/2D Art Paul "Pinky" Charisse 2D Art Terry "Magic" Lane 2D Artwork Darren "Do you think I'm sexy?" Porter 3D/2D Genius (flawed) Shaun "Versatile" Smith Music Chris "Spiritual being" Melchior 3Dfx programming Bruce "You what?" Mardle Tools programmer Ian Moody (The quiet ones are more juicy) Other programmy things Matt "zzzzzzzz" Edmunds, Patrick Buckland (Too fat; too old) General usefulness Mat Sullivan, Paul Johnson, Lez Andrew, Dr Kev Martin Being tall (tall being) Ben "Shut up" Webster Lard Producer Justin "Have you seen my XR4i wheelspin?" Wateridge Technical Development Bod - John "Fixer of Install Program" Chasey Creative Development Bod - Fergus "I'm buying a gun" McNeill BRender code courtesy of Argonaut Technologies - we remembered this time! Original Carmageddon Team: Game concept Patrick Buckland, Neil Barnden Lead programmer Patrick Buckland Lead Artist Neil Barnden Programmers Dr Kev Martin, Bruce Mardle, Matt Edmunds, Colin McGinley Artists Terry Lane, Shaun Smith, Russell Hughes Lard Adrian Curry Fergus "The Voice" McNeill (for the voice over in the original intro) QA Manager Ben "Kung-Fu Master" Gunstone Senior QA Executive Marc "Leaper of Small Hairy Gnu's" Titheridge QA Executives Mike Tucker "Sheep ......", Andy "Bloody Lovely" O'Dowd, Barry "Been out at Dinner?" Webber, Tom "KickAss" Ball, Stew " Food money?? " Watt, Matt "MIB" Friday, Colin "Alien" Davidson, Jay "Catalogue Boy" Kendall, Karen "The Woman of Many Faces" Bradford, Chantal "Crispy Duck Queen" Havard. Thanks to; Red Cloud for packaging design and artwork