Carmageddon help. Keypad 8 Accelarate forward. Keypad 2 Brake when going forwards Keypad 4 Steer left Keypad 6 Steer Right Z Turn tightly Spacebar Handbrake C Toggle between internal and external views Q Look left from internal view W Look forward from internal view E Look right from internal view Arrow-keys Move external camara around H Horn P Toggle pratcam M Toggle mirror on and off when in internal view S Toggle sound on and off Tab Show/Hid map. Esc Go to menu Backspace Repair car Ins Recover vehicle if it's on its roof or side Keypad minus Toggle pedestrians and giblets on and off F1 Help F2 Save F9 Quit Enter Toggle between live action and action replay modes Keypad 5 Pause/unpause game Keypad 0 Flip direction of playing Keypad * Cycle through different camera modes