Descriptions of the Mission-CD Multiplayer
Players: 2
Size: 256 x 256
Race: Romans
Description: The name of the map says it all: Quick. This map involves a quick
decision between two players. Space for building is scarce. Fish are the only source of
food.The two players won't threaten
each other with guard towers, however, because enemy territory is only accessible over a
strip of shore. |
Players: 2
Size: 256 x 256
Race: Player's choice
Description: See 1. On this map there is also swamp land for each
player. In addition, food can be obtained from grain farms since a small river flows
through the area. |
Players: 2
Size: 320x320
Race: Player's choice
Description: Both players begin on a small peninsula and have
to expand to the larger peninsula. Here there is enough space for the first buildings, and
with further expansion more buildings can be constructed. At some distance from the
starting position there is mountainous terrain containing a fair amount of coal, iron,
gold and gems. An island near the
mountains offers another option that should not be underestimated. Numerous weapons,
tools, gems and gold can be found there. There is only one access point to enemy
territory, and this should be promptly secured. |
Players: 2
Size: 320x320
Race: Player's choice
Description: This map has the shape of a mirrored heart with two small connection
points. Both players can expand to their heart's desire. Whoever plans on using fish as a
source of food should first find out where fish are.The mountain is located on the opposite side. A rapid expansion toward the
mountain is very advisable. Significant supplies of gold and gems are present in a secret
place on the mainland. An attack must be well prepared because the only access to enemy
territory is located on a strait. Beware of alligators! ;o) |
Players: 2
Size: 320x320
Race: Romans
Description: The gods seem to have it in for you. They have
banished you to a desert. Space for building is correspondingly tight - to be even
clearer, you have no space for building. HE advises you to use your pioneers to take
possession of the nearest area where you can build.You'll notice very quickly that you aren't alone. The player in the north
should try to conquer the left half of the map moving south as quickly as possible. The
player in the south, by contrast, should try to reach the north rapidly by occupying the
right half of the map.
You can't dismiss the possibility that a
good player will attempt to cut off your path. Be on your guard and send out spies
regularly to keep on top of things.
As difficult as HE made it for you at the
beginning, HE shows his goodwill in the course of the game. You'll find many goods and
resources that, despite your initial difficulties, will enable you to develop quickly. |
Players: 4
Size: 320x320
Race: Player's choice
Description: In order to discover what is supposed to be
"British" on this map, you have to look at it from above. Don't let the name
confuse you. There is a small mountain right next to your starting position where you'll
find enough coal and iron to get started. To become a sucessful commander, you have to
take leave of home pastures and expand toward the middle of the map where there is a
mountain. There you'll find gold and gems.Your opponent will pursue the same goal, so speed is essential. |
Players: 4
Size: 384x384
Race: Player's choice
Description: The map has the shape of a cloverleaf. Each player
begins on his "leaf". You won't find fish everywhere, but ample numbers in some
spots. Each "leaf" has an abundance of iron and coal. In addition, the two
players next to each other share a small peninsula located between the "leaves"
where there is a mountain with deposits of gold and gems.Desert is the only terrain that connects all of the
"leaves". Make sure that you have something to quench your thirst before
launching an attack. ;o) |
Players: 4
Size: 384x384
Race: Player's choice
Description: The shape of this map is also reminiscent of a
clover leaf. There are moderate quantities of resources of all types on each
"leaf". The only place offering access to enemy territory is a strip of shore
which cannot be built upon. For better or worse, you are going to have to use soldiers to
get the better of your enemy. |
Players: 2
Size: 384x384
Race: Player's choice
Description: The distance to your opponent couldn't be greater:
You both begin from the most widely separated points on the map and have to obtain new
resources travelling a labyrinth of riverside paths until you finally meet for battle. The
supplies of raw materials at the beginning are, to put it mildly, quite modest.During the course of your journey, you will come
across large deposits of raw materials. Be prepared for a long journey, though! ;o) |
Players: 4
Size: 384x384
Race: Player's choice
Description: Have you ever been in a jungle? No? Well, here's
your chance! We have pulled out all stops in filling this map with everything nature has
to offer. Don't let yourself be distracted by the beauty of the flora, though. Keep your
goal in mind: expansion!The island
is round and the chain of mountains in the middle forms a circle. You'll be in for a big
surprise when you explore the mountain area. You might even be able to get at the valuable
treasure there. Good Luck! |
Players: 6
Size: 384x384
Race: Romans
Description: It should be clear from the name of this map that
one of the players on each of the two teams has gotten the short end of the stick. His
position is exposed and vulnerable. Team spirit is the name of the game here!Two of the three players on each team occupies a
peninsula connected to the central island by a narrow landbridge. These areas are easy to
defend. The two remaining players share the central island and are vulnerable to enemy
attack along three avenues. How the two more secure players on the peninsulas help
their vulnerable partner on the central island is up to the players themselves. In
addition, there are two islands to the east and to the west of the central island. A visit
to these islands could be worthwhile. Decide which player should take care of exploring
these islands.
Players: 6
Size: 448x448
Race: Player's choice
Description: You begin on an island. You don't like to play
island worlds? Don't worry, we have made it easy for you. The only thing you have to do is
build a ship. Well, there are a couple more things you'll have to do. But building a ship
has the highest priority at the beginning. The bars of iron that you'll need are ready and
waiting for you on the island - help yourself! Set sail to the mainland in the middle of
the map. There you'll find a place loaded with raw materials. Your development phase will
seem like child's play with these raw materials.But be on guard! Afterwards something will be hitting the fan... |
Players: 4
Size: 512x512
Race: Players choice
Beschreibung: There is a desert in Africa, surprise! We recommend that players 2 and 4
play the Egyptians. The race for players 1 and 3 is up to the players. This is a map
requiring teamwork. Don't neglect trade on this map unless you're prepared to suffer the
consequences!The connection to your
partner can fall into the hands of your opponent quickly. That doesn't bother you, does
it? ;o) |
Players: 4
Size: 512x512
Race: Player's choice
Description: The cloverleaf makes yet another appearance as shape for this map. You
share with your partner either the two upper "leaves" or the two lower ones.
There is a ring of desert terrain in the middle of the map. Within this ring it is
possible to construct one or more guard towers. The necessary material can be found there
as well. All players have raw materials available nearby. |
Players: 4
Size: 512x512
Race: Romans
Description: The name of the map says it all: Don't waste time on trifles!
You've already built the most important buildings. You also have enough settlers for the
beginning.For this map you are
spoiled with ample supplies of wood and building stone. You even have a castle at the very
A little scary when the map designers are
so generous, isn't it? |
Players: 4
Size: 576x576
Race: Romans
Description: You want more? OK, you got it. For this map you
don't have to check for what you're missing but rather check out what you already have.
Keep an eye on your elite units, garrison strategically important towers and protect your
already considerable territory. You can immediately get moving on your weapon production. |
Players: 4
Size: 576x576
Race: Player's choice
Description: You begin on a nearly rectangular peninsula and
have lots of space - maybe more space than you want. Resources are a long way off. Be
thrifty with your supplies of coal and iron ore until you get to the mountains.The two teams are separated by a giant sand dune.
There are two oases in the desert, one in the east and one in the west. |
Players: 4
Size: 576x576
Race: Player's choice
Description: All players have a reasonably wide strip of
land with all the necessary resources at their disposal. Contact with enemy territory lies
only on the far eastern and western coasts. Players 2 and 3 have the nearest enemy contact
but players 1 and 4 are vulnerable to enemy attack, too. |
Players: 6
Size: 576x576
Race: Player's choice
Description: All players begin on a round peninsula. Each of
these six peninsulas is connected to a large, round landmass in the middle. Moreover,
strips of desert connect all of the adjacent peninsulas with one another.Your initial supply of raw materials will not be
sufficient to win the game. Expand without delay toward the middle of the map in order to
secure your piece of the rock. There you'll find the resources that will decide the game. |
Players: 6
Size: 640x640
Race: Player's choice
Description: This map isn't only for Christmas play. If you believe in reaching for
the stars, expand quickly toward the middle of the map. There you'll find star-shaped
mountainous terrain concealing a wealth of resources. You see, this might be a good map
for Easter, too! ;o)Pay attention to
securing your borders well. Your opponent is fully capable of penetrating into your
territory using his infantry and guard towers. |
Players: 6
Size: 640x640
Race: Player's choice
Description: This is a huge map with lots of room for
maneuvering. Make sure that you don't hog the entire area of mountainous terrain in the
center for yourself. Give your team partners enough time to reach this area. You'll need
their help because you are closer to your enemy. Players 2 and 3 as well as 4 and 5 should
remain constantly on vigil. |
Players: 8
Size: 640x640
Race: Player's choice
Description: You begin on a peninsula and your goal is the
mountainous terrain in the middle of the map. On your way there you'll find building
material. The mountainous terrain is loaded with resources. Occupy the strategically most
important point on this mountain to secure your raw materials. |
Players: 2
Size: 704x704
Race: Player's choice
Description: Are you on vacation? Or have a couple days off?
Then this is the map you are looking for! Because of the size of the map and the time
needed to play it, we would recommend playing this one on the LAN. But then again, if you
have a cheap Internet connection or loads of dough, go for it.You begin on a very large peninsula with access to an even larger
peninsula in the middle. This larger peninsula has a mountain in the center. To the east
and to the west of this mountain, some ships seem to be stranded along the coast. You might want to conquer the two islands, one in the
northwest, the other in the southeast. It could be worthwhile!
The last tip: Keep the coffee pot going! |
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