Additions! 1 Added Ultra-Marine Land Raider. Known bugs which have been fixed in Version 1.01 1 Pulsa Rokkit crashes occasionally when it hits a Titan within six points of death. (Note: Warhounds are always within six points of death.) 2 Pulsa Rokkit may cause syncronization errors in network/modem game. (Different units die on different client machines.) 3 Lifta-Droppa occasionally crashes when it hits a unit facing North West. 4 Inconsistencies and syncronization errors when Opportunity Fire is taken against infantry units in network/modem game. 5 Various spelling errors in the encyclopedia. 6 Occasionally when turn ends in network play, one side will fail to advance or lock-up. (Happens if user double red arrows through any complete detachment in a move by detachment game.) 7 Cursor did not properly advance when Kannon Speedsta's Kustom Kannon malfunctions (causing Speedsta to explode.) 8 Template weapons like Flame Throwers and Artillery would opportunity fire flyers or skimmers when they were airborne and could not be hit. 9 Hotseat battles would only show Victory/Defeat summary screen for whatever player last moved. 10 Save locks up when saving a regiment with a detachment of Imperial Assault Troops which has lost at least one unit. 11 Crash animations for Thunderhawk were not quite right. 12 Lifta-Droppa leaves smoke floating in air when killing flyers. 13 Airstrikes were allowed to Melee. 14 Airstrikes would not become available until the second turn. 15 If user called an airstrike while another strike was on board, the previous plane would not fly off as it should. (Not possible in move by detachment game.) 16 Missile spelled incorrectly "Missle." 17 Pulsa Rokkits were not displayed long enough during "Barrages" phase. This usually caused display glitches, but in net play could occasionally cause a Pulsa to dissipate on one machine and not the other. 18 Autosave kicked in during review period of LAN game. 19 "Seen" video flags were not cleared if user restarted a campaign, so that certain video seens would not replay. 20 Any Ork commander, regardless of clan limits, could buy any Ork Nobz unit. 21 Airstrikes controlled by A.I. would occasionally fly around and waste time. 22 Unit Availability table (for each region) was incorrect. 23 Players were not notified if the host quit early in a network game. 24 AI would not spend over about 3,000 points in Quick Battle. AI will now create the mostly Gargant regiments required to spend 8,000 points. 25 Vehicles would usually not move when they routed. They usually should. 26 AI would chose same forces if it controlled more than one player in a 3 or 4 player game. 27 Players could select forces which could not be correctly placed in the relief force scenarios. 28 Lock-ups (infinite loop) were caused when game was saved during an Air Strike and the Air Strike was shot down. 29 Tutorial would lock-up (Task Exception) if you tried to start it after playing any other scenario. Weapon and Unit Data changes: 1 Tweaked Penetration of Marauder and Fighta-Bommerz to be the same at 50. 2 Fighta-Bomber now can be purchased by any Ork clan. Files Updated epic40k.exe spmarine.res tactical.res bin\uniticon.img cel\page2108.cel dat\support.dat dat\unit.dat dat\weapon.dat dat\cmpopn.dat pedia\unit1500.txt pedia\unit2102.txt pedia\unit3204.txt pedia\unit3122.txt pedia\unit2108.txt pedia\unit2108.tga set\set2102.bin set\set2108.bin BW-12/15/97