PowerVR Series1

Bilinear Filtering
Hardware Clipping
Performance n-gons
Performance Optimisations
HW-SW Overlap
PowerVR Detection
S3 Memory


Frequently Asked Questions

PowerVR Detection

This example illustrates how to detect a PowerVR board and the presence of PowerVR Direct3D and SGL drivers. This can be used to determine the PowerVR driver version during the installation of your game to ensure a sufficiently new driver is installed on the system. It can also sometimes be advantageous to detect the presence of a PowerVR card in order to realise PowerVR specific features and performance optimisations in Direct3D applications.


PowerVR Detection Example Program

This example includes an application which detects the presence of the physical PowerVR board and the Direct3D and SGL drivers. Additionally, the D3D functionality of the PowerVR HAL is tested. The detection routines are provided in a subdirectory 'PVRdetection_Include'. These are free to use in your 3D application.

ZIP Click here to download this PowerVR Detection Example [70 KB]


In-Game Runtime Direct3D Detection

This is a useful function (IsPowerVRD3DDevice) which you can utilise to determine whether the current Direct3D device is PowerVR.

ZIP Click here to download this PowerVR Direct3D Detection Routine [13 KB]

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Copyright © 1999-2000, PowerVR Technologies and partners. PowerVR Technologies is a division of Imagination Technologies Limited.