Edit Surface Type Installing Bridges
Alternative Surface Type Units
Special Surface Type Logic
Changing Altitude  Toggle Grid
Objects Toggle Randomization
Buildings Install Light
Interactive Music Items
Edit Surface Type
This is the main map editing mode. 

To change the surface type: 

    Turn the mode on.

    Press the left mouse button when appropriate surface type appears.

    Point the mouse cursor at the square you wish to change.
    Cursor will change to 

    Press the left mouse button.

    The map editor will automatically incorporate your changes into the existing terrain. Therefore, the nearby tiles will be changed accordingly. List of possible combinations can be found here
    WANING!When the map editor is not able to correctly determine the surface type, unresolved squares will be marked as "stones on land" type.
    If you wish to change a group of tiles, do not release the mouse button and drag over the tiles you wish to change..
Select Undo or <CTRL> + Z to cancel your changes

Alternative Surface Type
  Toggles through available terrain choices. 

To modify surface type: 

    Turn this mode on.

    Point the mouse cursor at the tile you wish to change.

    Cursor will change its shape to 

    Press the left mouse button.

    When you release the button, the given square will change to alternative tile.

    Click-dragging over multiple tiles will equally change these tiles.
Select Undo or <CTRL> + Z to cancel your changes

Special Surface Type
Special tiles exist for some types of terrain, such as a puddle on grass, bulrushes and stones in water etc. 

It is also used for smoothing out sharp angles. 

To create special surfaces: 

    Turn the mode on.

    Point your mouse cursor at the  square you wish to change. 

    Cursor will change its shape to

    Press the left mouse button 

    When the button is released, the tile will change to a special type. Keep clicking for different tile possibilities.

    Move the mouse holding down the mouse button to change other tiles to the special tile type..
WARNING! We recommend using this option only for final map touch-up.
Select Undo or <CTRL> + Z to cancel your changes.

Changing Altitude
  To change the height of a tile: 
    Turn the mode on.

    Place the cursor over the tile whose height you wish to change. The cursor will change to a 

    Press the left mouse button.

    Moving mouse vertically will change height of the given square

    Moving the mouse horizontally across several tiles smooths out the height transition over those tiles.

    Having obtained necessary height release button.

To level the landscape:
    Turn the mode on.

    Place the cursor over the tile whose height you wish to select. The cursor will change to a 

    Press (and do not release) the right mouse button.

    When moving the mouse to adjoining tiles, they will change to the appropriate height. Nearby tiles will be smoothed automatically.

    Release mouse button.

Select Undo or <CTRL> + Z to cancel your changes.

Placing objects
    When enabling the given mode a cursor changes to , and toolbar shown left appears.

    By pressing the left mouse button you can put the current object on the map. 

    By pressing the left mouse button & holding the <SHIFT> key the object under the cursor will be deleted. Alternatively, you can hit the <Delete> key to delete the object.

    When you press the right mouse button, object under cursor will be selected in the toolbar.

Placing buildings
    When enabling the given mode a cursor changes to , and toolbar shown right appears.

    By pressing the left mouse button you can put the current building on the map. If You press and hold left mouse button at the structure on the map, you can drag it to other location.

    By pressing the left mouse button & holding the <SHIFT> key the building under the cursor will be deleted. Alternatively, you can hit the <Delete> key to delete the building.

    When you press the right mouse button, the building under the cursor will be selected in the toolbar. You can change it appearance, and left-click back on the  building on the map if you wish to apply the changes.

    However, some buildings (shops, inns, usable pointers) may have special attributes. You can press "Special" button on toolbar to change it.

Placing dynamic-size bridges
    When enabling the given mode a cursor changes to.

    By pressing the left mouse button you can put the bridge on the map. It's size can be modified by moving the mouse cursor with the mouse button pressed.

    By pressing the left mouse button & holding the <SHIFT> key the bridge under the cursor will be deleted. Alternatively, you can hit the <Delete> key to delete the building.

    When you press the right mouse button, you will change the size of the bridge under cursor to reach the current pointer position until button will be released.

Work with items
  • When enabling the given mode a cursor changes to.
  • By pressing the left mouse button the dialog box shown right appears. After selecting nesecery items and pressing OK in the dialog box, the  results may differ depending on the current object under the cursor.
  • In case it was a bag or a free tile - the bag with selected items appears. In case it was a unit - selected items will be transfered to its inventory.
  • By pressing the left mouse button and holding the <SHIFT> key the bag under the cursor will be deleted. Alternatively, you can hit the <Delete> key to delete the bag.

Placing units

When enabling the given mode a cursor changes to, and unit's toolbar shown left appears.

By pressing the left mouse button you can put the current unit on the map. If you press and hold the left mouse button pointing at a unit on the map, you can drag it to another location.

By pressing the left mouse button & holding the <SHIFT> key the unit under the cursor will be deleted. Alternatively, you can hit the <Delete> key to delete the unit.

When you press the right mouse button, the unit under the cursor will be selected in the toolbar. You can change it appearance, and left-click back on the unit on the map if you wish to apply the changes.

You can also change repop (monster restoration) parameters for currently selected group by pressing the "Repop" button.

Interactive music
  • When enabling the given mode a cursor changes to.
  • By clicking with the left mouse button on the map the dialog box shown right appears.
  • You can select up to 4 themes to play when your hero enters the area around the click point with the previously selected radius.
  • By pressing the left mouse button & holding the <SHIFT> key the music area under the cursor will be deleted.

When enabling the given mode a cursor changes to.

Left clicking on the map calls the dialog box shown left.

This menu should only be used to install your starting point. Choose your favorite place, then click on it. Choose "Manage Instances", and click on "Drop Location" option on the left side of the menu. Select "Add New" and then press "Done".

We recommend using this menu only for the Drop Location. You can try others, but the risk will be all yours.

Use right mouse button click on the map for Traps/Structure casting menu.

Toggle Grid
Turns grid (red lines over the map tile borders) on and off.

This function affects current window only.


Toggle randomization
  To randomize tiles automatically, click on the randomization button. Alternatively, you can select alternate surface types by selecting 

In addition, you can randomize the whole map by selecting Randomize Entire Map in Instruments section of the main menu, or by pressing  <CTRL> + E. 

Undo will return you to the condition before your first call to the randomization function. 

Light source settings
Dialog box shown left appears when you enable the given mode.

Brightness - modifies brightness of a light sourse. Contrast - modifies contrast of scenes and Solar Angle - modifies its position. 

After setting all necessary parameters press the button for acknowledgment OK or Cancel for canceling. 

WARNING:  The lght sourse setting affects the entire map, and not just the current window.
The light sourse Position is assigned in degrees, "0" corresponds to the direction "from the user's perspective".

  Monolith Productions and Nival Entertainment. (c) 1999. All Rights Reserved.