Main Menu

The Main Menu includes the following options: 

File, Edit, Instruments, Players, Settings, Window, Help

File - Work With files. Option contains:

    point shortcut Description
    New  <CTRL> + N  Create new map 
    Open  <CTRL> + O  Open existing map
    Close  <CTRL> + F4 Close the current window 
    Save  <CTRL> + S  Save the map 
    Save As <CTRL> + A  Save the map as... 
    Exit <ALT> + F4 Exit the program
Edit - Global editing, consisting of:
point shortcut  Description 
Undo <CTRL> + Z To cancel the last command. Press twice to restore the last command.
Select  <CTRL> + B  Choose an area on the map for group operations. 
Cut <CTRL> + X  Move an area on the map to the buffer
Copy <CTRL> + C  Copy an area on the map to the buffer
Paste <CTRL> +  V  Insert an area on the map from the buffer.Use the left mouse button to select an area & the right mouse button to paste.
Copy Altitudes Tiles no Insert changed tiles from the buffer
Copy Objects no Insert changed objects from the buffer 
Add objects to old no Add new objects to those already existing in the buffer.

Instruments - tools to use in editing
point shortcut  Description
Draw  space bar  Edit the terrain
Change Tile  <SHIFT> + R Switch to modify square mode
Altitude  <SHIFT> + A Modify  height of a square 
Special Tile  <SHIFT> + T  Modify square for a special tile type
Objects  <SHIFT> + O  Switch to select object mode
Structures  <SHIFT> + S Switch to select structure mode
Units  <SHIFT> + U  Switch to select unit  mode
Items <SHIFT> + I  Switch to select item (bag) mode
Logic <SHIFT> + G  Switch to logic/traps/casting mode 
Locate Unit/structure  <SHIFT> + L Use this option to find your unit/structure
Music <SHIFT> + M  Switch to select interactive music mode
Default Music <CTRL> + M  Select default map music 
Randomize Entire Map  <CTRL> + E  Randomize map terrain
Randomize Altitude <CTRL> + <SHIFT> + R Randomize terrain altitude

Players - Call a menu to work with players
Settings - Select editing mode: 
point shortcut Description
Grid  <CTRL> + G  Toggle grid
Light  <CTRL> + L Modify lighting 
Randomize  <CTRL> + R  Toggle square randomization
Altitude Smoothing  <CTRL> + <SHIFT> + A  Toggle smoothing the altitude levels 
Structure Leveling <CTRL> + <SHIFT> + L Toggle surface leveling under buildings 
Show Time  <CTRL> + <SHIFT> + T Toggle day time change effects display
Show Group/Unit ID <CTRL> + <SHIFT> + I  Toggle units and groups ID number display 
Show Units view ranges <CTRL> + <SHIFT> + V  Toggle units sight range display
Entire Map UP  <Page Up> Raise altitude level on the entire map by 10
Entire Map DOWN  <Page Down>  Reduce altitude level on the entire map by 10
Global Description & 
<CTRL> + <SHIFT> + G Show map name and description 

Window - map windows arrangement. They can be arranged in the following way:
point shortcut Description
Tile  no  Overlap windows
New window no  Open new window for current map 
Cascade  no  Cascade windows
Arrange Icons  no  Arrange icons
MiniMap  <CTRL> + <SHIFT> + M  Toggle mini-map display
1:2  <CTRL> + 1 Scale mini-map 1:2 
1:1 <CTRL> + 2  Scale mini-map 1:1
2:1 <CTRL> + 3 Scale mini-map 2:1

Here you can find a list of all open windows for quick selection.

Help - help file. Contains three subsections:
point shortcut Description
Help topics  F1  Call these pages for more info about the program
Keyboard  no  
Shortcuts  no  
About Map Editor    


  Monolith Productions and Nival Entertainment. (c) 1999. All Rights Reserved.