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Create map Press "New" button on a toolbar (upper bar below main menu) or select "File->New" from main menu. Check "Randomize tiles" and "Randomize alts". Press "OK" button. Now you can "Maximize" edit map window for easier editing. Make landscape Select "Draw" tool in the "Instruments" menu (you can otherwise select it from a bar on the left side of the Map Editor window, or press <space>). You will see a new bar appear on the left. Select "High Rock" terrain (press <Shift>+<8>). By left-clicking and dragging with your mouse cursor, create mountain landscape in the lower left corner of your map (click in the lower-left corner of the minimap window to position edit window there). Now you can try to create a lake in the upper-right corner (Water terrain can be selected by pressing <Shift>+<9>). Upgrading landscape Select "Flip tile" in the "Instruments" bar (or press <shift-r>). Now you can swap tile variants by clicking on tiles. After you have finished, select "Special tiles" instrument (<shift-t>). You can now change common tiles for special ones by clicking on them. Click several times on any of the "Water" tiles. Pay attention to the changes - you can create a swamp from your lake by changing its tiles. Now go back to the mountain area. Select the "Altitude" tool from the "Instruments" bar (or press <shift-a>). Click on a tile and don't release your mouse button. Drag the tile with your mouse cursor up and to the right. You will see a "hill" raising. Vertical dragging controls height of the “hill”, and horizontal - its size. If you are not satisfied with the hill you have created, use <ctrl-z> or <alt-backspace> to cancel the changes. Now select the upper tile of the hill, and right-click on it. Do not release your mouse button. Right-drag with the mouse cursor to the side from the hill. You will see all tiles in the area you have dragged the upper tile through raise to the same height. You can use this feature to smooth the landscape. Global settings Select "Settings\Global description and settings" dialog box from the main menu. Enter a map name (it will be shown in the map selection dialog box of the game) and your copyright. Enter a recommended players number (must be 2 or higher - otherwise the map will not be regarded as a multiplayer map). "Min. level" shows map difficulty, and will be calculated automatically. Press "OK". Now your map is playable - however it doesn't contain anything to play with. Save map Now save your map (press "Save" button on the toolbar). Use "Save" after every step of this tutorial to make it possible to restore the changes you have made. Create players Select "Players" from the main menu (or press <shift-p>). Now you will work with the "Modify Player" dialog box. For example, you can create 3 players - "Monsters" (enemy), "Towns" (for town guards) and "Allies" (for shops and taverns). Right now only "Self" player exists - this player is used to set the default diplomacy templates for all new human gamers entering the map. Click "Add Player" button. New player has been added. You can modify his name right now by selecting him on the players list and typing a new name in the upper field. In the same way you can create the other 2 players and rename them to "Towns" and "Allies". Warning: Do not change "Self" player's name, otherwise the map will not work at all! So, you now have 4 players. The next step will be to set their diplomacy. Set player's diplomacy Select the "Modify Player" dialog box to change player's diplomacy. Select "Self" player. Click on "Diplomacy relation" (<r>) button in the "Modify Player" dialog box. Please note - the displayed diplomacy chart is for the "Self" player only, and it shows this player's relations with the others. Now you can make "Towns" neutral to "Self" (town guard will return strike if attacked), and make "Allies" player enter alliance with you ("Monsters" are already enemies to "Self"). Warning: Each player should always set "alliance" and "vision" boxes checked for himself. Now press "OK", then select "Monsters" and go to "Diplomacy relations" dialog again. Make "Monsters" enemy to "Towns" and "Allies". Make sure that they are enemies to "Self" and ally to themselves. Press "OK" button. Continue in this way to make "Towns" neutral to self, ally to "Allies" and enemy to "Monsters". Make "Allies" ally to "Self" and "Towns" and enemy to "Monsters". After you have finished, press "OK" in the "Modify player" dialog. Warning: Your changes will be saved on the map only after pressing "OK". Create towns Now it is time to create towns. Select "Structure" tool (<shift-s>). The structure list will be displayed on the right side of the map-editing window. A shop and a tavern are the two basic town structures. Select "Plagat Inn 1" from the list displayed to the right. Change its owner to "Allies" in the "Player" drop-down list above the structure list. Place it in the upper left part of the map. Now select "Multiplayer Plagat Shop 1" and place it nearby (it also will belong to "Towns" player). You can place several other building around these two to make you town look better. Define starting point Select "Logic" tool (press <shift-g>). Choose a tile you want to be a starting point for players joining your map. We recommend that you make a staring point in town, near a shop and a tavern. Choose a tile between the shop and the tavern and click on it. "Trigger manager" dialog will appear. Click "Manage instants" button on it. Select "Drop Location" instance from the left list. On the right you can see "Parameters", showing coordinates of the tile you have clicked on. Now press "Add new" to add this drop location, and "Done" to return to "Trigger Manager". In the lower right window of the "Trigger manager" you can now see a single "Drop Location" instant. Now press "Done" - you have added a starting point. Place town guard Now you can create guard of your town. Select "Units" tool (press <shift-u>). You can see the unit bar appear on the right. At the top of the bar you can select either "Human" or "Monster" units. Choose "Human". The list of units will be changed. Now select player "Towns" (town guard) and choose some units - for example, "2F_Knight1". It can be defined as "ROM2 Game, Fighter class, Knight race, Level 1". Other possibilities are: classes - Archer, Mage, Horseman, races - Brigand, Peasant, Hunter, level - 1, 2, 3, 4. Some units might have a "leader" who is the most powerful fighter of their level. After selecting "2F_Knight1", note his "group number". Units belonging to one and the same group will act together and assist each other. All units of one group should belong to one and the same player. Now look at the upper-left part of the units bar - it contains "Group" area (with "Repop" button and "Current" number). Change "Current" number to "1". Now you can locate "group 1" units. Place 3 knights around your town by clicking on tiles. You can remove an incorrectly placed unit by shift-clicking on it. Otherwise, you can "drag" it with your mouse cursor to a better position. You can now see 3 units on the map with 2 number shown for each of them. The left number is its unique ID, and the right one is its group number. Now select "2A_Knight1" and place two archers behind the knight. After that, select "2M_Knight1" and place a mage. You have created group 1 of player "Towns" containing 6 units of different types. Place monsters Call units bar if it is not yet shown. Now select "Monsters" instead of "Humans" in the upper left part of the bar. Select "Monsters" player instead of "Towns". Change "group current" to 2. Now you can position the group 2, player "Monsters" units. The interface is pretty similar to the one we have described in the previous step. Monsters have "type" and "level" in their name, so "Goblin_Pike.3" means "Goblin with pike" type and level 3. You will see that some monsters have variants of different levels, and some do not. Please do not use the last ones - they are have not been designed for multiplayer maps. Right now, select "Goblin_Pike" unit. Place some of them in the lower-right part of map. Raise the "group current" number. Place another group of goblins nearby. Raise the "group current" and place two goblins, then choose "Ogre" unit and place him behind them. So now we have enemies to fight - 2 goblin groups and one group of ogre with two goblins assisting. Improve map Select "Objects" tool (<shift-o>). Now you can place trees, rocks, fences and other objects by selecting them from the right bar list and clicking on the chosen tile. You can delete incorrect objects by shift-clicking on them. Mouse dragging will not work with objects. Please do not place objects over units - it will not work. You can randomize landscape by pressing <ctrl-e> if you are not satisfied with the results you have achieved. Here is an easy way to create a nice forest: just copy them from another map and paste it on yours. While doing so, please note the standard buttons in the Map Editor toolbar (below the menu). Open the map you wish to copy from, press "select area" bar, then click on the upper left and lower right corners of the area you wish to copy. Press "Copy" button. Now switch back to your map, and press "Paste" button. Select a tile (it will be considered as the upper-left corner of the copied area). If you wish not to copy some info, you can use "Edit" menu to choose what should be copied. You can delete wrong units, objects and buildings with <shift-click>, drag units and building on to new positions, and copy/paste forests and mountains from other maps. Define shop Choose "Structures" tool and right-click on the shop you have placed on the map. As soon as it is selected in the structure list, you can modify it. Click on "special" button above the structure list. A "Shop Setup" dialog will appear. You can choose the items to be generated on each of the shop's shelves. From top to bottom, entry fields mean: "Min." - minimum price of a generated item, "Max." - maximum price, "Max" - maximum number of different items generated, "Single-Type" - number of "stock" items of similar type to be generated (there can be 100 potions, for example). "Shapes and materials" option allows you to keep some of items from generating. Click on the "Shapes and materials" button to get to "Shop Materials/Shapes/Types" dialog. Now you can check the items to be or not to be generated. 'Materials' are the types of materials from which items are made. 'Types' are the types of items generated (it would be better if these types are chosen in accordance with the shop shelf graphics in the game). 'Shapes' are the different forms of one and the same item made of similar materials. For example, shaman staves made from magic wood can have different shapes. "Allowed extra" defines whether the generated items will have magic implemented in them or not, or both. Note that all changes in this dialog will affect only one shelf, not the entire shop. Be careful not to create shelves where nothing can be generated at all. For example, there are no "Crystal" material items of "Common" shapes or with the price lower then 100000. You can get a list of all items available in the game by selecting "Place Items" tool (<shift-i>) and clicking on any unoccupied tile while the map is in editing condition (you should leave all dialogs to achieve this condition). After you have finished designing shelves, leave the "Shop Setup" dialog. Define inn Call "Structure" tool if it is not active yet. Right-click on the tavern on your map to start modifying it. Press "special" button to call the "Tavern Quests" menu. Choose a quest type to be automatically generated in this tavern. You can check "Kill'em all: Monsters" for getting quests after monsters. If your wish your town to serve the good rather than evil powers, you should not create "Raise dead" quests. If you want to make "Delivery item" quest available, you should create another tavern allied to this one, and then select an item to be delivered. Define quests Let's define some other quests. Choose "Units" tool. Select any goblin from the group 2 by right-clicking on it. Now press "repop" button in the top-right corner of the units bar. Check "Quest Kill Group". Press "OK". Now select any goblin from the group 3 by right-clicking on it. Press "repop" and check "Quest Intercept Group", then press "OK". Now select Ogre by right-clicking on it. Do not press "repop" right now. Instead, note the "Logic" group of checkboxes right above the units list. Mark "Quest kill" as available. You have added the following quests: 1) kill group 2 of goblins, 2) intercept group 3 of goblins (they will automatically attack town after this quest is given to player), and 3) kill ogre. |
Monolith Productions and Nival Entertainment. (c) 1999. All Rights Reserved. |