PowerVR Series1

Micro Texturing
Dynamic Lighting
Additive Blending
Chroma Key
PowerVR Detection
Ascii Text in 3D
Table Fog


Additive Blending

PowerVR PCX1 and PCX2 do not natively support additive blending. However, additive blending is often desirable for special 3D effects like explosions, fire balls, lens flare and other stunning light effects.


PowerSGL Direct Example

This example program illustrates how additive blending effects can be simulated on PowerVR PCX1/2 by creating an appropriate alpha texture map. This texture is created on the fly by associating a translucency level with the RGB intensity for each texel in the foreground texture.

In this demo, you may use the cursor keys to alter the global translucency. This solution can also be applied in Direct3D applications using ARGB 4444 textures.

ZIP Click here to download this Additive Blending PowerSGL Direct Example [188 KB]


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