PowerVR Series1

Micro Texturing
Dynamic Lighting
Additive Blending
Chroma Key
PowerVR Detection
Ascii Text in 3D
Table Fog


Dynamic Lighting




This example makes use of the shadow generation of PowerSGL to simulate a varying light source - in this case a flickering candle flame in a simple room containing some furniture.

The room model consists of a polygon mesh (4 walls and a floor), which contains a table, two stools, a shelf, and a candle. The furniture is modelled using convex objects. Constructing these items from convex pieces allows PowerSGL to automatically generate shadow volumes from given a light source.

The position of the light and the texture mapped "flame" are both controlled by the same transformation matrix, so that the random motion of the flame automatically generates the correct change in the shadows.

The translucent texture used to represent the flame is also modified, along with the intensity of the light source and the 'glow' colour of the flame.

The technique could be adapted for more dramatic effects such as the light cast from a fireplace, or sudden flash of lighting.


ZIP Download this Dynamic Lighting PowerSGL Example [191 KB]


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