PowerVR Series1

Micro Texturing
Dynamic Lighting
Additive Blending
Chroma Key
PowerVR Detection
Ascii Text in 3D
Table Fog


Application Specific Settings (Apphints)

The PowerVR control panel (accessible through Display Properties) allows the end-user to set/modify PowerVR settings on a per application basis. These PowerVR AppHints may help to enhance compatibility and/or performance for a given 3D application.

One example includes the translucency sorting in the PowerVR driver. By default this is enabled, but if the application sends pre-sorted translucent polygons to PowerVR it is possible to save time by disabling the translucency sorting in the drivers. This can be done in the PowerVR control panel which will effectively create an AppHint in the registry with the following entries in

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PowerVR\PCX1&2\App hints\application.exe]: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PowerVR\PCX1&2\App hints\application.exe]:

SglTransSort = 1
DisableNewPassPerTri = 1
SglTransSort = 1
DisableNewPassPerTri = 1



Includes .c and .h files containing the function PVRCreateAppHint. This function can be used as

PVRCreateAppHint(Exe name,String name,String Value);

For the above example this would look like

PVRCreateAppHint("mygame.exe", "SglTransSort", "1");
PVRCreateAppHint("mygame.exe", "DisableNewPassPerTri", "1");

ZIP Click here to download the PVRCreateAppHint files [3 KB]

This also includes an example application file Apptest.c using this function and the corresponding Apphint.reg file.


Confidential / provided under Non-Disclosure Agreement
Copyright © 1999-2000, PowerVR Technologies and partners. PowerVR Technologies is a division of Imagination Technologies Limited.